Windows 8 Surfaces in NDA Presentation

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Active Directory is actually based on several open-source standards and works quite well, Microsoft are internally using it at about double the scale everyone else is so they can catch issues early on.

Since Windows 2000 it has been the one thing Microsoft really did right.

Google: LDAP, and read every link (esp Wikipedia) to at least three link levels deep.
I found it amazing how loud mouth and ignorant some Windows users are, XP and IE6 are perfect examples why software must continue to innovate. I guess everybody forget that MS use to release a new OS every 1-3yrs, let me refresh you:

MS DOS 5 - 1991
MS DOS 6 - 1993
Win95 - 1995
Win98 - 1998
Win2000 & WinMe - 2000
XP - 2001
Vista - 2007
Win7 - 2009

So the only time MS waited a long time was for Vista, and it was considered a massive mistake, Vista tried to do too much (a lot of which was removed) and XP needed a secure replacement years earlier.
I found it amazing how loud mouth and ignorant some Windows users are, XP and IE6 are perfect examples why software must continue to innovate. I guess everybody forget that MS use to release a new OS every 1-3yrs, let me refresh you:

MS DOS 5 - 1991
MS DOS 6 - 1993
Win95 - 1995
Win98 - 1998
Win2000 & WinMe - 2000
XP - 2001
Vista - 2007
Win7 - 2009

So the only time MS waited a long time was for Vista, and it was considered a massive mistake, Vista tried to do too much (a lot of which was removed) and XP needed a secure replacement years earlier.
i only wish that microsoft would solve windows' habit of eatting away at system resources over time for no apparent reason... oh, and streamline the OS too.. a friend of mine got a macbook, which has around 5-7 hours battery life on Mac OS.. he installed windows 7 on it so now he's got both.. when he runs windows, the laptop averages 2-3 hours... now that's a BIG difference.. just shows how many background processes are being run in windows.. wonder if they're all needed all the time?
[citation][nom]Alsone[/nom]Cloud is the 1 reason that will ever stop me upgrading from Windows 7.I'm simply not willing to store data or share my pc over the net.[/citation]

Interesting, you must be a very important person with super secret mystery files. (o0o0o0o0o) Please, nobody cares about you, or your files, that is unless they're profitable.
Don't fix what isn't broken IMO. If W8 has some serious upgrades that couldn't fit into a patch, okay. However, if it's just Window's way of charging us for a glorified service pack, DIAF and I'll keep my W7 Pro thanks.
I guess I don't NEED Windows 8 anytime soon, but I'll probably get it anyway. If the pricing is anything like 7, I'll pre-order the upgrade for something between 60-70$. And since I no longer format every year, thanks to a stable OS and file system that creates less fragmentation, it will be a good opportunity for me to freshen my system with a fresh install.

The facial recognition login seems like a good feature. Cloud features are scary to most users, and maybe they're right to be cautious, but we can all agree it's the future. Let's hope they make it right.
I wish they would go back to having separate OS's for the corporate world like back in the Windows NT days. NT was way better in a network environment than 95 or 98 were.
It's been reported on this site for quite a while how soon they would be releasing Windows 8.

So, to those complaining, either you're new here, or you completely missed those articles.

This has been expected, and no one is forcing you to upgrade.
I love how every body is moaning that there is something new! What other company suffers this? Oh no i dont want there products there moving to fast for my poor brain. I wish people would grow up and realise that MS is far ahead of the competition and doing a great job with Windows. How stupid must you be to hate new products.
Sparky, Windows is being emulated on top of Mac OS X, that's the reason why you're getting less battery life. It's running two OS's. And no it doesn't eat more resources over time, you must have a virus or are running a ton of Java applications.
Just seems like MS is rushing a bit. I don't see anyone ASKING for the cloud, or anyone who really knows what it is for that matter. Kinda seems pushed on us rather than filling a market need. ---- "HEY! Let us hold on to your data for you! You can trust us!"
Hahah. Gotta quote this, it's so dumb:

If you are suggesting that DX10 was a reason to upgrade then you could not be more wrong and it was actually a mian reason why a lot of people did NOT upgrade to Vista.

Yeah if MS gives me a new version of DX I'll know to stay away from now on.
If you do not want to upgrade then don't... it is that simple lol. You guys basically have have had the some os for a while. Windows 7 and Vista really are the same at this point minus a few minor details.
Microsoft should release Doors, not just Windows. oh wait they do, they're back doors. I'm about to "buy" windows 7 myself, but only the SP1 version out within 6 weeks now.
Probably get berated for this, but I'm still using XP and I'm quite content. I'm not opposed to using 7, It's just that XP works fine, and why fix it if it ain't broke.

If I could get a copy of 7 for free, sure I'd probably install it.
[citation][nom]joytech22[/nom]Guys you need to remember Windows 8 is designed for ARM systems primarily.I don't think it will work on x86 processors.[/citation]

Link please to validate your claim (Which I know is 100% wrong)
[citation][nom]joytech22[/nom]Guys you need to remember Windows 8 is designed for ARM systems primarily.I don't think it will work on x86 processors.[/citation]
It's actually the other way around. It's designed for x86 processors, but it will offer support for ARM.
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