WinXP resets user settings to default on reboot.


Jul 9, 2002
This started about 2 days ago. Everytime I go into my username under Windows XP the OS takes a long time to access my profile. It seems that while it loads the profile it resets it as if a new installation of Windows XP has occurred. It doesn't matter if I reboot or do cold starts. Windows XP SP1 has been installed a while back so I can't say it was this. No new installations within the last few days of any programs or updates for the OS.

Since this happen 2 days ago I decided to restore the system 3 days prior to this. This scheme did not work.

Can someone tell me whats wrong or what may be a solution to this problem. Thank you for your time.

My name may be Jesus, but don't go around asking for miracles.
I had a problem like this. Set up a new user, set it up like you want it, then delete the old one. May not be the best way, but it worked for me.

I'm not really stupid...... I just play one on TV.
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Scroll down to GnomeTIP and try that out.

Create a new user. Log in as the administrator. Then, go to System Properties > Advanced tab > User Profiles Settings
Click the old username that you wanted to copy the settings to, click "Copy To", then choose the new username.

(I'm actually going to try that right now, because it's been awhile...and my user profile has grown to 655MB! I think that's a lot, right? :lol: )


<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A> (courtesy of <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>)<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by btvillarin on 11/03/02 08:37 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Man, how'd you do it? :lol:

Seriously...I'm not sure what the order of steps is, even though the GnomeTIP was fairly clear. Did that person and you use "Files and Settings Transfer" or what?

Good grief, I'm lame... *ROFL*


<A HREF="" target="_new"><b>My System Rig</b></A> (courtesy of <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>)