Wired and Wireless Connection ?


Jul 9, 2012
I have a little problem to solve concerning my broadband set-up. I get my broadband through a BT ADSL line, though my ISP is diffferent.
My current set up is:
from main socket, then a high pass/low pass filter, with the high pass side feeding my modem, through 20m of telephone wire, which is USB connected to my PC. The low pass side is 50/50 split to 2 telephones. This works tolerably well.

I have a new wireless router which I need to enable me to connect my new PC to the internet (windows 7 doesn't support old modem).

I want to maintain the current wired connection to my old PC [this a highly desirable constraint: I know there other ways of doing it such as buying a wireless adapter for my old PC, or setting up an ethernet], and yet add in the router. The problem is if I split the signal to the old PC anywhere, to enable me to add in the new router, the signal to my old PC isn't strong enough to enable internet connection.

I can't find a bidirectional line amplifier to amplify the signal before splitting [gain <10dB, bandwidth at least ~10kHz - ~15MHz, impedance = suitable (pls advise me)](wherever that splitting is done). Any amplifier must be connector compatible with either RJ11 (as the line enters the house) or RJ45 (for the wire after the filter).

I am in the UK.

old PC:
Compaq Presario S5160UK DT261A under XP/SP3
Processor - Celeron 2.7 GHz
Motherboard - MSI MS-6577 v2.1
RAM - 1GB + 512MB (1GB +1GB max) DDR PC2700
PSU - Octigen 300W model 10270PSOTG ('upgraded' from original Bestec 250W PSU [in 2011?])
Nvidia GeForce 6200 graphics card in AGP slot.
the modem has to connect to the router, the two PC then have to connect to the router

you can either connect the modem via network cable to the router, or via USB to the computer but not both at the same time.