Would I be able to make money selling gaming PC's?

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Dec 20, 2017
I'm 16 soon 17 and I would like to earn some extra cash aside. I like building gaming computers and that really interests me a lot. So I have an idea to buy PC parts, build a PC with decent specifications and sell them on eBay. Do you think that would be a great idea? Anyone know a good way to make a custom PC and then sell it? or have someone contact me online, then build the computer?

I have experience building computers such as for myself or for my friend, I had few issues but I managed to solve them. What are your thoughts? Thanks.
No matter what anyone says in the post, understand that you are only 17 years old and the world is at your finger tips. It is possible, and you are going to have to spend a decade of hard work trying to accomplish it and find a way to make it work. Just know that whatever you focus on you'll become and if you start now, you could potentially have a business by that time. Start a YouTube channel and start recording the work you do on computers and don't let anyone tell you you can't do it because they're just trying to impose their negative belief system on you. Whatever you think your goals are now, are likely going to have evolved into something more productive ten years from now. The most important thing you can do now is to just...

The thing is, I'm unsure. That's why I came here for opinions and suggestions. I guess I will be doing random good spec PC's and putting them up for sale.
No, the only way you can peddle custom builds is if its water cooled and have one off mods. Everyone that knows enough about computers can build them and the people who don't want a real warranty from a big company. So the only market left is custom one-off builds.

That being said I always see crappy "Gaming" Builds on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. With parts that are 6 years old selling for $1200. The seller will rave its the faster PC ever built and quote specs when the video card was new. Those people have ruined the custom build market. People get scammed once and never buy another one. So once again the only market that you can cash in on is the part when people simply cant do what you can. Custom watercooled loops (no AIOs) setups and some physical mods to make it a one off.

I can fix computers in my sleep and solve server issues all day long, But I can't for the life of me do Brass Loops. Best I can do is just normal tubes. I would gladly pay someone to do a real custom loop for me.

Thanks for your opinion and suggestion :)

Thanks for your ideas and thoughts. I will keep this in mind :)
Building computers are like legos now. with PricePicker and everything color coded and sloted for only one type, Its hard to mess up a build these days. 99% plug and play.

15 years ago, You actually had to read up on what you were buying and make sure you bought the right cables, set the correct dip switches and prayed for the best.

Its all just LEGOs now....

Biggest problem is RAM compatibility. Throw JEDEC out the window. Go by MB vendor qualified list. The unfortunate reality is just because it *should* work doesn't mean it will, or reliably.

Other than that...yeah, LEGOs
I see a ton of threads like these a week and here's my advice for you.

1. As has already been stated in this thread, providing remote hardware support is something that would have to be taken into consideration, and a small time operation wouldn't be able to do that.

2. Selling PCs on eBay and competing with already established vendors and the big box companies is no easy feat no matter what hardware is in it. I often advise people looking to sell their rigs on eBay, Craigslist or similar services that you're better off stripping the units and selling the parts, because there may be more demand for the individual part itself, especially if the system is under warranty.

3. Which brings me to my third point - warranties. You would have to be able to provide replacement parts or full systems if a part breaks down. Most people who buy prebuilts generally buy them because they can't build or replace parts themselves which creates the need for a tech to come to their home or place of business. If you were selling systems like this you would need to provide something of this effect.

4. There's also that burning accounting question of "How many systems do I need to sell to break even?". Aside from your initial investment, say you invest $5K in building these systems, you would need $5K to break even plus taxes and shipping expenses factored in plus you'd have to pay back what you get from your initial investors. If you don't meet that, it's considered a loss. Now on the other hand if you were to sell the service of building PCs then the break even point is considered moot since you'd be selling the service and not the equipment. But even if you were successful in selling the service you would still need to be able to provide support for your products. If you can do that, then that's where you could start your business.
Shipping, support, and purchasing the OS is what is going to kill you.

Shipping a standard size PC in the US will cost you $50-$75.
The OS will cost you $95.

So you're already $175 behind the power curve compared to Amazon/Walmart/Target.

Support will absolutely crush you.
If it goes bad, can I call you at 2AM? 11AM when you're at school?
How fast can you diagnose and replace a dead hard drive? Even if I screwed it up...

Your competition is Walmart and BestBuy.
Convince me, a single mom who knows nothing about PC's, why I should buy one of your vs one at WallyWorld or BestBuy.
How to make money in this game?
Instead of selling custom PC's...fix them.

Build up a name among your family and friends. Let them get your name out there and advertise.
"Hey....Ralph's son fixed my router issue. Fast and cheap. Maybe you should call him."

"That Ralph Jr. is a wiz! My laptop is faster than when it was new!"

Thanks for the detailed information, I guess you are right but do you think starting low would be a good thing?

I'm in the UK, England and there is no such thing as Walmart or BestBuy so honestly I am unsure what you are talking about. The OS (Windows 10 Pro) keys on eBay are for really cheap as well as I have few copies of original Windows 10. The delivery would cost around £9.99 + signed for which already comes in tracked. Support would be the issue.

That would be a good idea but most of them already bought PC's for double the price of what they should have and they got warranty on their end.
Fixing systems is going to be a much better idea, and probably the only one that will let you break even.
You wouldnt believe how easy it is to fix some systems out there. Suffocated in dust, a simple cleaning and virus scan can be 50 bucks+, people can be generous if you fix something they already own. Now convincing them to buy something from you is a different story.

People may have a warranty, but they dont want to send their system off for 6-8 weeks to be diagnosed, charged for shipping, and replaced, when their handy neighborhood tech wiz can do it in a day.

I also agree with everything thats already been said, especially in regards to shipping, warranty, and the OS. 15, 20 years ago someone doing this could make a killing.

Alright, thanks for the information. I will be interested into fixing PC's but not sure where to start from and who to contact, should I release myself on platforms such as "Gumtree", "Shpock" in the UK, England?
Those Ebay keys are grey market and can be deactivated anytime by Microsoft. Wouldn't that be a fun phone call to deal with :) You sell someone a computer and in 6 months they come back and tell you the computer is fake and demanded the money back.
No matter what anyone says in the post, understand that you are only 17 years old and the world is at your finger tips. It is possible, and you are going to have to spend a decade of hard work trying to accomplish it and find a way to make it work. Just know that whatever you focus on you'll become and if you start now, you could potentially have a business by that time. Start a YouTube channel and start recording the work you do on computers and don't let anyone tell you you can't do it because they're just trying to impose their negative belief system on you. Whatever you think your goals are now, are likely going to have evolved into something more productive ten years from now. The most important thing you can do now is to just start doing, acting out your thoughts and enjoy the process.

That is a quick way to see the inside of a courtroom.

If you sold me a system with such, and later the OS shows as "Invalid", I'm going to call Microsoft.
And they will ask where I purchased it from.
And I WILL give them you and your business name.

Either obtain and sell actual valid licenses, or don't do it at all.

Yeah absolutely. Never start out thinking you can start at the top. That is a quick way to guarantee that you will be speaking to a bankruptcy attorney. Start low and work your way up. You won't get your dream job on the first try, it will take a lot of sacrifice and a lot of hard work to get there, and you will have to work for a lot of horrible customers along the way. I would also say don't spend frivolously - put every cent you make back in the business.
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