The OP's ORIGINAL post references the Corsair XMS ram:
This stuff is now down to $169 after rebate. That's $84.50 per GB, and thats getting pretty cheap even by historical measures. I'm close to pulling the trigger on this stuff. The question is, will it overclock to... say... 430Mhz FSB (i.e. DDR2 860). Thats my goal for my E6300.
I am not looking for much of a memory overclock, but I'd really like to hit 3ghz on my E6300.
Is anyone here using this RAM? I read a boatload of reviews on newegg, but not many folks are really pushing to see what it will do... especially in the last month.
EDIT: I pulled the trigger. At the very least I should get a 50% overclock on the E6300. More than that is just gravy to me.