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I'm hoping to find something like a Sansa Express--something that can still play music, but hopefully got replaced by something newer. I'm getting it for someone who can lose an MP3 player almost instantly, so used is the best route.
Yeah...I guess that's the best I'll do. I dunno though because Newegg's Recertified reviews are pretty bad on that link you gave. Maybe I'll just spend $30 and get a new Clip+.

I was hoping to find a $13 Sansa Express since they were only $27 new several years ago. When I know it's gonna get lost--the cheaper, the better.
Might also check your local Target, Walmart, etc.and see if they have any older models on clearance ( I picked up a Memorex MMP8565 2gb player for $10 at Target a couple years back but seems they try to keep the minimum pricing around $20 - $30 or stop carrying them if they drop below that)
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