[citation][nom]hoofhearted[/nom]Is this what they are supposed to be announcing at 3:30 PST today?[/citation]
nope, that is a tablet found here:
http://content.usatoday.com/communities/technologylive/post/2012/06/microsoft-unveils-surface-tablet/1#.T9-82LV5F8F expect this news to hit Tom's in ~2-3 days
😛 always behind on the news cycle
[citation][nom]stardude82[/nom]Lets see.. Xbox 360 came out in in 2005... 360 will come out in 2013... so 7 years minimum between releases. If you follow Moore's law where transistor counts double ever 1.5 years... 7/1.5=~4.6. 2^4.6=~25x more transistors. So wow, we are getting x6 performance out of 25x more transistors possible on the same area of silicon. So either, the cost of the new xBox will be way down due to smaller die sizes or the performance per transistor sucks.[/citation]
Moore's law is every 18 months, and has more to do with perceived performance doubling, not just transistor count. As software and hardware grow then there is a near doubling every 18 months. Keep in mind that consoles are closed systems: in other words you can get a ton more performance out of it than equivilant PC software because it is a single purpose device in a closed environment (less compatibility code, less OS headroom, less competing for resources with other software, etc.)
[citation][nom]GamerRO25[/nom]hhhmmm would this be enough power starting next year and last for the next 10? I think in 3 years a mobile phone will have the same cpu/gpu power .... gggrr consoles will always keep back proper games![/citation]
lol, in your dreams! Smartphones started with ~Pentium 2 level processing, and are now leveling off in the middle Pentium 4 levels of processing (granted with much better graphics than were available at the time). The trend now is for a leveling off of CPU development, with continued GPU development, but even still we are not going to see this level of performance in a handheld for another 8-10 years running on batteries, and even then it will be only in the highest end phones.
Consoles will still hold back games, but this will be a huge leap ahead for developers to play with, so we should be able to expect much better games available within the next 3 years (1 year to release console, 2 years to develop games that take proper advantage of the hardware).
[citation][nom]whooleo[/nom]I doubt that it's going to get an ARM or x86 CPU (especially ARM) I don't think they would ditch PowerPC they would need it for backwards compatibility and it's such a widely used architecture in consoles (among other things) so devs and the like are familiar with it. I also doubt DDR4 because consoles normally don't use vanilla DDR RAM it's usually GDDR or something else.[/citation]
Why is this so hard to conceive? Look at all the modern development tools available for ARM and x86! It looks like PS4 will move over to x86. All of the phones, and computers that are on x86 and ARM will be a huge draw to developers to more easily port titles across multiple devices. 1 less hardware platform means easier and cheaper development. This may not mean cheaper games for us, but it will mean a longer extension of $60 games instead of them moving up to $75 like many dev houses are considering for all the effort it takes to make these current high end PC games.
[citation][nom]TheBigTroll[/nom]this aint pc bro. xbox cant draw more than 100w from the wall or else they run into heat problems.[/citation]
Why not? The original PS3 sucked down more power than a refrigerator! MS just needs to pick a better case design next time (and move away from PPC which runs too hot... that is the #1 reason Apple moved away, because of what they wanted to do with their mobile devices).
[citation][nom]john_4[/nom]Whats with all the the trolls who are thumbing down posts. Go back to your mom's basement, trolls.[/citation]
*bam!* Down Vote
[citation][nom]buddhabelly34[/nom]decent performance for now. thats the problem. they release the console next year, then the hardware is that much older. they need to have a beefy ass card when it launches for the console to stay relevant.imagine the 360 without the x1900 in it. it wouldnt have lasted NEAR as long.at least displays wont be getting too much more pixel dense in the near future (google an article talking about the benefits of a home tv with >1080p res). that should keep the hardware performance in check in more ways than the 360 was really prepared to deal with.[/citation]
On the contrary, that is my greatest fear for this gen of consoles. Last time they were coming out with 720P in mind, not anticipating just how quickly 1080P adoption would take place, and frankly current gen consoles can't hack it. This time around they are all set and ready for 1080P... just as 2K and 4K are on the verge of consumer release, and right as PC screens are being developed for 4K+ resolutions. Yes, they are not out now, but they will begin to be announced towards the end of this year, and will begin to be adopted next year just as these consoles are being released. So unless they see it coming, they will be behind again.
[citation][nom]cybrcatter[/nom]Old as dirt, worthless document. Move along. Nothing to see here.[/citation]
Exactly! This document is already a year old. A lot can change in a year, and by now the specs are likely all pounded out, and the systems are in pre-production for deveopers to begin designing around.
My bet? Quad core x86, 32nm or smaller CPU special ordered from AMD and paired with an AMD GPU somewhere in the 7850 range of power, but specially leveraged and developed for so that it acts more like a 7950-7970. 2-4GB of DDR3, but a possibility for DDR4 (DDR4 was not supposed to be released until Broadwell in 2014, but it looks more and more like it will be out early with Haswell next year). Traditional HDD with a SSD upgrade option. All of the features listed in the article, with the possibility of file serving if you attach a large external USB3 HDD... Seriously, whoever makes a console that is also a file server will get my business. Oh, and Wireless N by default, with no Ethernet port.
welp, that's my 2 cents. I am particularly excited for more complex levels which is where consoles have really held back development. Also I cannot wait for Kinnect 2 on PC, that will be awesome