
Oct 22, 2016
Hi all,

I'm looking into expanding my Xbox One X console storage through external means. I'm looking to increase by 2 - 4TB however want to know a bit more about what to get.

I understand that the Xbox One X default drive runs at 5,400 RPM and supposedly most External HDD drives match or slightly outperform this speed. In this case is an external SSD necessary, or would a HDD suffice. This is mainly due to cost, in that a 500GB SSD is priced the same if not more than a 4TB+ HDD.

I also understand that it may be possible to use an internal SSD housed in a SATA / USB case (Like this here). This seems to be a much cheaper option as these SSD's seem to fall similar in price to the external HDD.

My only issue is the setup of these. Are they as simple as plug-and-go or is some type of formatting / partitioning necessary to run these housed internal drives on my Xbox One X by means of USB. Could someone please elaborate on any of this.

Also, any ideas or suggestions on what to get are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Which way to go depends on you. Space or speed. Both are viable.
I don't do consoles but we moved my cousin to an external 4tb 7200rpm drive (internal drive in an enclosure) and he loves the performance increase.
Thanks for the reply. Does an internal ssd require any sort of formatting or software or could it just be plugged in and run?