I started up my PC this morning and long story short I'm having a bit of a strange problem. Theres a yellow target sort of sign on the middle of my screen. Initially I thought its monitor related but when i reboot it the sign goes and reappears after about 30 seconds. Its a permanent sign and i can also move other windows through (basically the sign doesn't move). So my question is, is this graphics card related and if so what is the fix if anyone know?
The processor is : i7 - 6700k
GPU is built in Intel(R) HD Graphics 530.
I started up my PC this morning and long story short I'm having a bit of a strange problem. Theres a yellow target sort of sign on the middle of my screen. Initially I thought its monitor related but when i reboot it the sign goes and reappears after about 30 seconds. Its a permanent sign and i can also move other windows through (basically the sign doesn't move). So my question is, is this graphics card related and if so what is the fix if anyone know?
The processor is : i7 - 6700k
GPU is built in Intel(R) HD Graphics 530.