Your Experience with Windows 10

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I think they are yet to start announcing titles that will support that. Atleast i havent heared of such games, but then again i got rly narrow circle of games (Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, CoD series and Civilization)

Chrome tracks too much for my liking.

DX12 will start coming but it will take time. When it does though it will be nice to see what developers are able to do with it. I would say by next year we will see DX12 support start coming more frequently.

If you think Apple is any less 'Big Brotherish' than Google or are quite mistaken.

Pretty much true.

People need to get off the "Windows is watching me sleep" tin foil hat stuff. It is getting to the point of being ridiculous.

Honestly Microsoft could care less about the majority of people. In fact using a local account turns off most of that stuff anyways since the majority of it has to do with the Apps and Microsoft Store.

Cortana is the new search so when you turn her off "she" is still running because she performs the search functions anyways on your local PC.

Don't worry though, she isn't planning on poisoning your drink just yet. She needs a few years so she can kill everyone at once.

There are ways to disengage a lot of that stuff. I have no intent on using Cortana, it doesn't appeal to me on other platforms they're trying to copy. And as far as the google+ stuff, at some point we just have to say screw it or get a computer from 1999 with no modem and do all your "computing" on that. It's just the nature of the world we're living in that they are snooping on us.

Anything you don't want in other people's hands put on a thumbdrive or external hard drive, not the cloud. Although I do wish all cloud storage were 256bit encrypted, but that's another story.

It comes down to, what are you willing to give up in the way of privacy for convince? When my hard drive ate it last week and my backups proved futile, I thought I'd have to remember every password to everything that I currently let Chrome remember for me. Come to find out that once I installed Chrome and logged into my Google account, boom, all that information was still there, for the most part, my bank and a couple credit cards were a bit difficult, but to log into Tomshardware, I really have no problem with it remembering my username and password for it and a slew of other sites. I'm not rich enough to make my bank information worth stealing in the first place, but I still like to keep my passwords for banking/credit cards/electric company etc... changing.

But if I'm gonna be hacked the hack will likely record all keystrokes so there is really only so much anyone can do anyway. It's when people say, "I'm unhackable" it becomes a challenge for people to do so, lol. I don't invite such mayhem, I know any system is vulnerable, I do what I can, but if someone really wants to hack me, I'm quite sure it wouldn't be out of reach.

I hit the lottery tomorrow and I just simply would never use a computer for banking or finance at all, I'm too broke to be a juicy target. lol Poverty has it's benefits.

Even Vista? lol I mean come on you have to admit there have been some missteps over the years, overall I've been pretty lucky. I went from Win95 to 98SE to XP to 7 to 8.1 and now I'm gonna go to 10 now that it looks like it's stable and not like Vista or Millennium or 8.... 8 under the hood was fine and good but the UI was an abortion.

And now that I think about it MS-DOS was pretty good too. I think the last edition of that I had was 5.0, since windows came out I just about completely forgot all my command line stuff. Ha.
I never used Vista much, my primary computer ran XP. But I did run Vista on another machine that I think got some viruses and got extremely slow and choppy. Not a complaint with the OS though, more my fault for going to a free TV episode website.

Yeah I'm careful about which sites I choose to do things on. Reminds me of when I worked at my university's "computer lab" before everyone had one of their own we had rooms just filled with computers. Pentium II processors as I remember it. But people didn't understand how to sign up for email and I would help them with that. Best story I have from that is this one girl wanted an email address not attached to the school, so she could use it even after she graduated, I told her go sign up at for a free account. She comes back because she had a huge pile of gay porn on her screen, this was before they had filters on what sites we could access, she spelled hotmail as hotmale. I still laugh out loud over that one.

Cortana will be used. There is no longer a Windows Search service, Cortana is the Windows Search service. You might not use the advanced features but you will use the Cortana search.

BTW the UI for 8.1 was the same as 8. The difference was the ability to boot to desktop and turn of the hot corners. Other than that very little about the UI changed.

Well, 8.1 was more intuitive for me, doesn't matter why, 8 felt like a total disaster. Cortana is now Windows Search, does that mean any search we do in windows is being reported to MS so they know what we're looking for? Odd, I don't really use windows search too often anyway, just to pull up cmd or something like that. *shrug* I don't know what information they'll glean from that kind of stuff.

No it means that Cortana is the search service. When you turn of the "Get to know me" features and the Cortana assistant it turns off sending any information.

It is not about you or I, it is about the normal people who do use the search function on their phones and other devices. Most people use whatever built in phone search that is on it to find what they need be it online or in the play app store. That is where they get information on trends.

Of course the more paranoid think they are but I doubt it.
has anyone ever proved that everything you type is sent to MS. They know you have used search, I have seen no proof that what you type is sent.

When testing on insider, i see a small packet when a search is started but nothing as I keep typing. This is with all the online features off. Clearly if you have web/app store search on information has to be sent to perform these searches.

I think viruses are a lot less common from websites these days considering the much wider range of operating systems people are on with phones and tablets, as well as the decline in any form of Adobe Flash and Java from websites.

Yeah I guess you could analyze every packet of data sent out from your router. If one of them has a Microsoft destination IP, or some IP you are unfamiliar with, then it could be reasoned. If there is no data being sent except to the websites you are on, then I don't see how they are tracking it all.

Windows 10 now automatically sends diagnostic data, basic information such as the error code or crash code etc, so it could be that or it could be anything.

I highly doubt Microsoft is recording a persons every movement, there is no reason for it nor would there be enough storage to store that much information. Windows 10 already has 110 million devices. The more than add in the more storage that is needed, especially with some people who are on their system all day.
I think viruses are a lot less common from websites these days considering the much wider range of operating systems people are on with phones and tablets, as well as the decline in any form of Adobe Flash and Java from websites.

Perhaps because Flash is being killed off. But, it's still in ad streams. BitDefender gives me pop-ups; the last site to trigger it, was the ad streams. Before that, I was Tom's.

Plus, I don't think the OS distinction means much at all. Browsers tell web sites: mobile platform, or desktop platform? That's how you get the mobile versions of the web sites. That's also got to adjust the ad stream sent to the device. One can, I think, reasonably presume that the malware creators can figure out which ad streams to infect with which malware. Second point: it's probably true that the attacks are coming from completely separate camps...because it's not enough to build the initial infection. You have to take advantage down the line. So, generally, I'd think we're talking parallel groups, and no reason to think there won't be rather a lot of *both*.
Viruses will always be designed for maximum spread.

Even with flash being dead, they will just target the browser it self.

Nothing could do what flash did in its day. Some stuff is still better on flash and some users have had complaints of HTML5 video skipping and stuttering(most likely because it is newer still).

I like HTML5 over Flash (I have had smoother experiences with it and it loads faster than Flash) but I think the issues stem from sites not using the proper codec or people not have support for the proper codec.

One thing Flash does great is animations. I used toi love watching the random flash animations people made.
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