jimmysmitty :
genej101 :
I'm still running Win10 after two full months. On a desktop. I still do most of "stuff" on a desktop, some on my iPhone. I absolutely refuse to use Cortana, though Siri is a joke. Cortana insists I sign in with a Microsoft account and then tells Microsoft everything I do including probably how often I breathe. That is just WAY to big brother for me and I'm a 60 something who still doesn't trust anyone over 30. :^). I only used Edge to download Firefox, Pale Moon and Chrome, and I only use Chrome if I'm doing something on YouTube. I just don't want my every keystroke tracked and reported to the mother ship because I don't trust corporations to do business honestly with me, they have proven time and again that they can't and won't. Data breaches are the tip of the ice berg imo. So browse in private mode mostly, do some business online, email either online or from my iPhone, though I am increasingly using the iPhone for other things when companies finally get an app that WORKS, it is amazing to me how many companies out there have completely unusable garbage as their public face app. I like Win10 but that is because I am using it very much like I used Win 7 and have disabled most of the phone-home features.
If you think Apple is any less 'Big Brotherish' than Google or Microsoft....you are quite mistaken.
Pretty much true.
People need to get off the "Windows is watching me sleep" tin foil hat stuff. It is getting to the point of being ridiculous.
Honestly Microsoft could care less about the majority of people. In fact using a local account turns off most of that stuff anyways since the majority of it has to do with the Apps and Microsoft Store.
Cortana is the new search so when you turn her off "she" is still running because she performs the search functions anyways on your local PC.
Don't worry though, she isn't planning on poisoning your drink just yet. She needs a few years so she can kill everyone at once.
There are ways to disengage a lot of that stuff. I have no intent on using Cortana, it doesn't appeal to me on other platforms they're trying to copy. And as far as the google+ stuff, at some point we just have to say screw it or get a computer from 1999 with no modem and do all your "computing" on that. It's just the nature of the world we're living in that they are snooping on us.
Anything you don't want in other people's hands put on a thumbdrive or external hard drive, not the cloud. Although I do wish all cloud storage were 256bit encrypted, but that's another story.
It comes down to, what are you willing to give up in the way of privacy for convince? When my hard drive ate it last week and my backups proved futile, I thought I'd have to remember every password to everything that I currently let Chrome remember for me. Come to find out that once I installed Chrome and logged into my Google account, boom, all that information was still there, for the most part, my bank and a couple credit cards were a bit difficult, but to log into Tomshardware, I really have no problem with it remembering my username and password for it and a slew of other sites. I'm not rich enough to make my bank information worth stealing in the first place, but I still like to keep my passwords for banking/credit cards/electric company etc... changing.
But if I'm gonna be hacked the hack will likely record all keystrokes so there is really only so much anyone can do anyway. It's when people say, "I'm unhackable" it becomes a challenge for people to do so, lol. I don't invite such mayhem, I know any system is vulnerable, I do what I can, but if someone really wants to hack me, I'm quite sure it wouldn't be out of reach.
I hit the lottery tomorrow and I just simply would never use a computer for banking or finance at all, I'm too broke to be a juicy target. lol Poverty has it's benefits.