jimmysmitty :
nukemaster :
yetti1963 :
I upgraded from 7 on an ASUS 55 laptop as follows USBs stopped working Picasa would not work. Nero did not work properly Sound stopped working Open Office did not work properly & My Printer disconnected..after a week on the printer I gave up & paid £6 for 2 recovery disc's..never going near Windows 10 again
That us a pretty rough transition. THIS is the reason they NEED to check compatibility before offering upgrades.
I use OpenOffice so maybe you just needed a Java update. I am not surprised about Nero as new operating systems nearly always killed it in the past. I remember getting a new version when using Vista(but I think it also worked on 7). Since I no longer need to burn anything other than occasional data I do not even need it any more.
They have an uninstall option for Windows 10 to allow you do go back within the first 30 days.
Or they just need to do a clean install and not offer upgrades. This is why I hate upgrades. I did two in my home. One was a clean 8.1 install so no big deal. The other was my HTPC but short of PowerDVD and KLite it has nothing on it to mess up. But people with their entire lives on a system will run into multiple issues that even Microsoft cannot account for.
I will say that 10 has had the smoothest upgrade so far compared to previous versions of Windows but it still is having issues because some people are running old hardware or software that is not designed for the changes made to the core of the OS.