I am here because I am trying to find a solution to the W10 problem (namely: "rolling back" after 30 days, circumstances described below.)
I upgraded to Windows 10, from Windows 7, because I got the notice that my laptop, a Lenovo B570, was eligible for the upgrade. I checked the compatibility information that MS provided and I was assured that all would be well. Since it was a "limited time offer" (1 year) and Windows 7 support will eventually end, I thought that it was prudent to accept the upgrade. I will admit, I didn't use the laptop as frequently as I should have to test the upgrade, that laptop was no longer my primary computer. By the time I realized the compatibility issues that existed, it was too late to go the normal downgrade route.
Due to the problems that I had after the “upgrade”, I read everything that I could find about Windows 10 and the issues that I was experiencing. I learned, through the manufacturer website, that my laptop is NOT compatible with Windows 10 (WHY did Microsoft tell me that it was?) Since I wasn't able to “rollback” to Windows 7, I tried to find alternate ways to go back to a fully functioning operating system. Windows 7 was an OEM version, as is often the case. The reliable method of resetting my laptop to factory settings, the OneKey recovery that was included with my laptop (it didn't come with recovery disks because it had a recovery partition), also did not work. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Windows 10 disabled my recovery partition. The Windows key had rubbed off the bottom of my laptop ages ago and I really didn't think that I would be in such a difficult spot, I thought that OneKey recovery would be my plan B if something went wrong so I didn't make a plan C recovery disk. In addition to losing OneKey recovery, Bluetooth and my fingerprint reader no longer works. I have read that there are no plans, from the manufacturer, to provide Windows 10 compatible drivers. This is in addition to the buggy behavior of Windows 10 (I can't even search my own computer without opening task manager to force the shut down of Cortana, which freezes more often than it works.)
My new laptop, that I upgraded from Windows 8.1 a few weeks later, was well within the 30 day downgrade window but the downgrade option wouldn't work, I have read many complaints from other users who also unsuccessfully tried the “rollback” option. While laptop 2 has not lost important functions permanently, it still acts buggy and is very slow to get going (with an i5 processor, SSD, and 8GB RAM.) I still can't use the search function to find information on my own laptop thanks to Cortana (please get rid of this if you can't make it work right.) I shut off the internet search features and every option available to shut off in Cortana but it still makes it impossible to search my laptop without using task manager to forcefully shut down Cortana (every.single.time.) Fortunately, laptop 2 does have a recovery disk. Unfortunately, the manufacturer chose to send me a recovery disk for a laptop that doesn't have an optical drive (so I have to work around that.)
What happened to Windows 10 being the answer and apology for Windows 8? Why is Windows 8 starting to look good compared to Windows 10?
To Microsoft, here is what your customers need to happen:
1. We need a quick way to get rid of the Windows 10 offer when we don't want it (my very old desktop is still showing the Windows 10 upgrade offer and I can't find any way to get rid of it. Microsoft is insisting that my old hardware is compatible with Windows 10, there is NO way that is true after what I experienced with a laptop that is years newer than the desktop. Just stop with the “upgrade” offers.)
2. Stop telling people that their computer is compatible with Windows 10 when it probably isn't. Refer them to their manufacturer for details on compatibility.
3. And most importantly, offer another way to rollback to the prior Windows operating system. Once our computers are registered with Microsoft for Windows 10, you KNOW that we have a valid Windows key. Most of us have the OEM, preinstalled Windows OS. Many of us don't have the correct (or any) key in order to reinstall the OS. Help us FIX the problems that Windows 10 caused on our computers, we should not be told to give your company more money (by having to buy a retail version of Windows) to fix the problems that you created. I, for one, will never be giving Microsoft more money after this fiasco if Microsoft doesn't step up in a major way to fix this.