I like W/10, having upgraded from W/9x to XP to W/8 to W/10, all with much customization. As i keep my data files and even folders (with shortcuts to programs) on another partition, then it makes it easier to upgrade. After upgrading to W/8 from XP (for 29.00 w/ NewEgg rebate card) I found<a href="http://www.classicshell.net/downloads/ "> Classic Shell </a>, which I find is an improvement even in W10.
One of the first things I do with an upgrade is to set Windows View to Details (though that will not carry over to all folder types even if you choose Apply to.. in FolderOptions).
Change the Win key +E shortcut to launch File (Windows) Explorer), not Quick Access. (Run: control.exe /name Microsoft.FolderOptions)
While there, choose to show everything and hide nothing.
Add the buried Quick Launch (%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch) to the Task bar (actually i have my own Quick Launch folder on another partition which i add instead)
Make shortcuts to the Send To (%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo ) folder, and place one in it, so i can send other shortcuts to it, like to the Quick Launch folder. And make shortcuts to Start up folders (Main one is in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp), and to others, which are placed in the Quick Launch if not there already. The hidden Libraries folder is in %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries
Copy many profile folders from my old Windows user folder (which if you installed over a previous Windows Hard Drive, should be in your C drive marked Windows.old) into my new user folder %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming
Install Firefox with multiple profiles, which profiles were on another partition, and changed the shortcut to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -p
Turn off Indexing, and Cortana (if not done during install).
Turn off Hibernation so Sleep with actually sleep, not hibernate, but executing powercfg -h off in Command Propt (Windows key + x). My shortcut key for Sleep: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0 And which i hot keyed to Ctrl+Alt+z, which in turn was remapped to ScrollLock via AutoHotKey.
Install <a href="http://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Freeware/DesktopOK ">DesktopOK </a> (saves desktop layouts), Unlocker, Agent Ransack. Win Patrol, Phone Try Free, Process Hacker, Win32Pad, Apache Office, among many other free programs.
Among many other changes you can make, thank God.
What i look for is a OS that has at least all of the following capabilities (not in order of importance), in addition to what most can do:
1. A Start/ App menu with icons that you can r. click and easily find the source, choose as default app, easily make hots keys for, and copy the address (missing in some Linux distros).
2. A quick (W/9x W/Exolorer actually was faster loading) window manager that allows tabbed browsing, with multiple rows, dragging tabs, different colored tabs, changing tab size, bookmarks, saving sessions, and find text, in other words, do what Firefox/PaleMoon/Waterfox web browsers can do, with extensions.
3. Also, a window manager the provides folder sizes as an option (like Folder Size) a compact but customizable (like QTtabBar ) navigable single pane view with details of file types, date, size, versus large playground icons, and does not hide files.
4. Likewise enables customizing individual Taskbar buttons.
5. A clock with seconds, plus cpu and available ram stats (stacked), and alarms, calendars, and other useful right click options (like T-Clock )
6. That will never exclude one from having full permissions (root) without having to engage in learning coding (Ubuntu locks the hood in your own car).
7. Has a hot keyed extensive inclusive systems and configuration menu.
8. The ability to add multiple functions to r. click menus, like <a href="http://www.thewindowsclub.com/right-click-context-menu-extender-for-windows-7-released ">Right Click Extender </a> can.
9. A much improved speech to text program (I have used the Windows version in W/8)), that enables you to make whatever custom commands you choose to execute whatever functions your choose (you provide the address or scripts, etc), and uses your own documents to read from learn how to recognize your voice. (Linux is far behind on this, which has much potential).
10. Can remap keys easily, like CapsLock to ctrl+c (which <a href="http://www.autohotkey.com/ ">AutoHotKey </a> enables, but hard to find for Linux)
11. Enables extensive customization of windows borders, title bars, tool tips, etc. like in XP (which level is missing in W/8/10)