My Windows 10 Nightmare! I had an older machine Sony VAIO Came with XP MCE 32bit / I installed Windows 8.1 Full Edition From store purchase CD , I set a partition of 500MB for personal reasons, Windows 8.1 setup its own an we moved on to successful Installation, worked Great, but when I did the Windows 10 upgrade, OMG! Crashed on the second boot faze, Well after about 4 or 5 installations of Window's 8.1 to get back the desktop, Start overs to try getting windows 10 to install with out bad partition's an windows file corruption, I figured (just a guess) The Windows 10 no matter how I try to install It, ISO, Desktop mount, CD mount, Boot from Disk, none of it mattered It just wasn't going to run Windows 10 ? (Then I got to Thinking) What if the 3 partitions that were required for successful Installation, were not being done during setup by windows on this machine correctly ? Bing! (That light laminating above my head), So I started from scratch Window's 8.1 an all Stock factory Mother board drivers etc., got it running as well as could be expected on 8.1,(an all the updates), Backed up the drive just incase, Went into Disk management opened it an set the 3 partitions that I found out (Windows 10 required for Installation), Re-boot with Windows 10 ISO In the Drive an Magic Happened, WOOHOO Success, I opened the Disk manager from the Desktop In Windows 10, all three partitions were their an operational /Reserve 350MB / Main,Active,bootpage,file system, 930GB / SystemRestore 450MB / Yahoooooooo, Thing is, this is Pathetic, I shouldn't have had to figure this all out on my own, the Installation CD On boot should have done this partition editing for me, wow Windows 10 just Wow, MY nightmares finished, Windows 10 Home Is now running on that machine an rather well, Don't try this at home children,crazy, l o l
OK I'm back with some more to say about Windows 10 Hmmm, I'm so done Crashing, blue screen of Death, after updating to Windows 10 Creators Update version unknown an I'm not going to try it again on my VAIO Hybrid, even my ASUS Rog is having a night mare with this OS an its 64 bit Windows 10 came installed with the preview, an ever sense the first update to full version its ben a NIGHTMARE FROM HELL ! As always good luck to all !