Recent content by Dan414

  1. Dan414

    Microsoft Announces Windows 10 S, New Surface Laptop

    I get asked all the time to bring old computers (donated) back to life for churches and charities and whatnot. Often I have to resort to Mint and then explain to people how to use it. As others said, mostly the users just want to get to the internet and email. Would love if Microsoft would...
  2. Dan414

    Silverstone PB06 USB Power Bank Tear-Down

    Awesome write-up. Thanks!!
  3. Dan414

    My first time building myself (DOUBLE CHECKING w/ y'all <3)

    I'm not sure you've got the best monitor there for your setup. I like the widescreen, but that it's maxed out at 60hz you might not get the silky smooth play that you could with a higher refresh rate and the same hardware. Check the Tom's guide...
  4. Dan414

    any chance I can add any fans or other things to this pc?

    Protect your intakes with a dust screen whatever you do. My current computer has 4 intake fans and dust screens on each, making a positive pressure situation. For over a year now its been like that, and I clean the front and top intake screens but have almost no dust inside the computer. I...
  5. Dan414

    Need help with cabling, especially the front panel header.

    I believe you would use a ground for that. SO... Color.........Old..........................New Red...........+PWR_LED..........PLED+ Black.........-PWR_LED..........PLED- White.........PR_SW................PWRBTN# Green........PR_SW................GND I'm guessing it doesn't matter which...
  6. Dan414

    At what point is integrated graphics better the discreet?

    I don't see the Intel 630 listed here, but it should give you some guidance:,4388.html
  7. Dan414

    Need help with cabling, especially the front panel header.

    Best I can tell from matching the old header block to the listed components on the old motherboard, here's what your wires mean: Red: + LED Black: - LED White: + Power Switch Green: -Power Switch
  8. Dan414

    Copy of a current windows to a new drive

    What issues are you having with the SSD that you expect a format to fix? Or is it just that you need a fresh install of Windows (because of too much customizing, perhaps)? Just curious. With Windows 10 I gave up changing things too much and living with it about the way it is- so I can "get...
  9. Dan414

    Is this build any good where could I improve etc (black/red scheme)

    Just for consideration, could save some money by not overclocking the system: i5 7600 (-$50); no cooler (-$60), lower end MB (maybe B250) (-$60), and maybe bit smaller but still Gold PSU (-$20). What monitor do you have? Overclocking the above list from GE420 wouldn't do much for you if...
  10. Dan414

    Need help with cabling, especially the front panel header.

    Not sure I totally understand your question here, but some advice: For the front panel header, it shouldn't matter which is positive/negative for the switches, and probably not for the lights either. There ought to be matching labels between the switches and the board, even though they are very...
  11. Dan414

    New PC build. NO POWER?!

    Not to be too simplistic here, but just in case: are you 100% sure you have the switch wired up right? Even if several other things were wrong, the fans should come on at least with the power button. You get nothing?
  12. Dan414

    PC Restarting When Clicking Anything in the BIOS! PLEASE HELP!

    Maybe a problem with the BIOS update? Could you "update" to an older version of the BIOS? Just guessing here now. I was confident resetting the bios would work, so now I'm just as stumped as you.
  13. Dan414

    Bottlenecking or not please help me ?

    I agree with the memory question from KinesticBat. CSGO has relatively low recommended specs, it shouldn't be taxing your system that hard. Maybe also check your temperatures on HWMonitor to see if you're hitting thermal throttling.
  14. Dan414

    what can be optimized/better

    That is a 7-8 year old processor. One of the first i7's, on the old LGA 1366 platform. If you put in a new graphics card, that would help, but you might pretty quickly get bottlenecked. I wouldn't spend more than $100 on the graphics card for that system - but that means you probably could get...