
Forum discussion tagged with access.
  1. G

    Question RTX 3070 Smart Access Memory and Resizable Bar problem.

    Hello everyone. After activating SAM (Smart Access Memory) on my RTX 3070 video card and Ryzen 5 3600 system and running the system, the screenshot goes away after Windows runs for a while. After turning off SAM, there is no problem, Windows continues to work. The same goes for the resizable...
  2. rockerrb3

    Question Access 365

    How do I run a search thoughout an entire Access database and not just one field? Thank you, Ryan
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Remotely reset a disconnected static SIM connection at property using a backup SIM connection?

    What equipment to use? How to do it? I have an unreliable static mobile internet connection (functions through a SIM card in a router) which I use to monitor my home through a Wi-Fi security camera. There are no other options other than the mobile network for a way to connect to the internet...
  4. Schereizer

    [SOLVED] Which NVMe to buy, higher sequential or higher random access?

    I'm now about to buy an NVMe SSD but I have two candidates, Crucial p2 and Verbatim Vi3000 (both 500GB). The data for CrystalDiskMark are as follows : Both Test Count: 5 Both Test Size: 1GiB Crucial - READ MB/s - WRITE MB/s SEQ1M (Q&T1) - 2426.56 - 1916.32 SEQ1M (Q1T1 - 1580.00 - 1798.29...
  5. ThiccNic

    [SOLVED] Cant Delete Folder Access Denied

    Hello. I recently tried to delete some folders and windows threw me an access denied. I tried: but c: cd \ takeown /f "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER" /r /d J >out.txt icacls...
  6. Nevis

    Question [PLS HELP]External Hard drive Access denied [ Hard disk is not accessible ]

    I recently used my external hard drive which I have not used in a year and gave me that error code Hard drive Access denied, I was able to fix it, get in the drive but now every folder and file needs a change in permission manually, is there a way that I can change all of it in one go? There's...
  7. T

    [SOLVED] Ive done a big oopsie

    So there was this file that i didnt know what it had and i couldnt delete it, so i changed some permissions and barabing baraboom i dont have access to some files and apps on my computer. I've tried formatting it (didnt work). I know I F-ed up but i need help
  8. L

    [SOLVED] "You have been denied permission to access this folder" after fresh windows reinstall

    Hi, So as simply as I can put it: My computer had a corrupt windows error and had to reinstall it on my C:\ (primary SSD) drive, which housed most of my main programs/apps I used, however, I also have a 1TB HDD as a secondary hard drive to store all my games and files and what not (I should...
  9. A

    [SOLVED] Block device access to router

    Hello. Is it possible to block a device from connecting to the internet on my router even if it's connected with a cable? Or block internet traffic for that specific device even if it's connected to the router? I managed to block it's access on Wi-Fi but I can't find a way to do it for DHCP...
  10. moonyman213

    [SOLVED] Setting up a static ip.

    Howdy. I have a strange issue with setting up a static IP. I've managed to do it. However, I'm losing internet access (parcially). Strangely, I still can use TeamSpeak, but neither of my internet browsers are letting me reach a site. My final objective is to open ports. Since I don't have...
  11. Heater6785

    Question Installing Heat Spreader on my RAM

    I'm wondering if you can install heat spreaders on every memory stick, do all of they support this feature or only some kinds? I am using 2 sticks of Corsair Value (CMV4GX4M1A2133C15). I can buy 2 heat spreaders online.
  12. 0AgentHani0

    [SOLVED] Cannot connect to Microsoft or few other websites..

    Hi , Today i just noticed that i cant connect to & for some reason this error shows :- I tried trouble shooting the error, and the troubleshooter tells me this :- ========================================================= Other websites work perfectly for me but only...
  13. T

    [SOLVED] Is an i5-8600K good enough for an RTX 2070?

    Hi I'm thinking of buying an RTX 2070 or a GTX 1080 and I'm wondering if an i5-8600K CPU is good enough. And is there anything else that is important when buying an RTX 2070 card? My PC specs: ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6gb 8gb RAM CPU Intel Core i5-8600K Intel stock CPU cooler ASUS ROG STRIX...
  14. C

    Low RAM stock and price dips

    I have been wondering what is with the prices on ram. I am almost done my gaming pc, and I needed 16 gigabytes of ram. Tried buying HYPERX FURY (4x4). After I ordered the ram, it was back ordered and I have been waiting for a few weeks. When will the ram stock normalize?
  15. J

    GPU temps too hot?

    Hi! So I never tracked the temps of my PC in general other than my CPU. Today I decided to clean out my case and move my corsair h100i v2 to the front of my case, taking the air from the case and pushing it through the radiator. Then I have two fans on the top of my case pulling air in, and a...
  16. S

    New PSU, Red CPU LED, No POST at startup

    I upgraded my old gaming pc to with a new board, chipset, RAM, and lower/mid range GPU a couple months ago. I used my semi modular 650W Antec PSU from my previous build and it ran flawless two months. I decided to upgrade my GPU to a more power hungry/powerful unit. I decided to upgrade my...
  17. Z

    Planning to buy new GPU which one is better?

    Hello I'm upgrading my old GPU (Palit GeForce GT630 1gb DDR5) but which one should i buy and why? My system Processor:Intel® Core™ i3-3240 Processor (3M Cache, 3.40 GHz) RAM:Kingston 4GB HYPER-X FURY 1866MHz Mobo:Asus H61M-C PSU:Across GP-500W Gaming Power Supply GeForce® GTX 750 Ti StormX...
  18. X

    Need a side by side comparison on these two motherboards

    Hello everyone. I am about to build a new PC, and I have picked these two out as the potential motherboard i will be using. Can someone please recommend me which one I should buy and give me a detailed side-by-side comparison and explanation (Benchmarks if possible). The two motherboards are: 1)...
  19. E

    970 or 990FX

    Most people say the main difference between these boards is SLI/CrossfireX support but the 970 board I'm looking to buy says it supports that stuff. If I'm going to Crossfire 2 cards and may overclock my FX8350, should I get the 970 or spend a bit more to get a 990fx?
  20. S

    best 80+bronze 600w psu for £40

    as the title suggests im looking for the best 600w psu there is out there for around £40 pounds it has to have at least 80+bronze rating,good reputable company,has good connections and at least 2 8 pin pcie gpu power connectors any input is appreciated,thanks in advance :)
  21. N

    i5-4440 + gtx 970 vs. i5-4690k + gtx 760

    i5-4440 + gtx 970 vs. i5-4690k + gtx 760 I don't have money for i5-4690k with gtx 970. So, which combo is better for gaming? I will play only in 1080p. Mobo: MSI z97-g43 ("Z" for future). PSU: Chieftec B-550BC Case: Zalman z9 u3 or Zalman z11 plus (Didn't decide yet.) Sorry for bad english.
  22. J

    Does XP SP installed need a new product to install SP3?

    Hi, Does XP SP2 installed in a pc need a new product key to do a clean install using a SP3 CD? Can't download an upgrade to SP3. Please advise. Thanks, Joe