
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with #amd.
  1. H

    [SOLVED] Power supply connector

    I have building a pc for my dad it's in budget and for typing and little poster creating in graphics I bought athlon 200ge Gigabyte a320m s2h 1tb hdd 7200rpm 8gb 2400mhz ram I bought a case psu combo which is 250w But my problem is my psu have 4 pin connector but my mobo has 8 pin connector is...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] What's the key to good fps?

    Hey, I'm on a custom build and I only play fifa titles (FIFA 20 at the moment). I wish to improve my fps in game. I've tried a lot of combinations for video settings, however I've never managed to experience great fps in game. This is my pc specification: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 8GB + 4GB DDR4...
  3. AdemK28

    Question AMD RAM OC Trouble (Ryzen DRAM Calculator Issues)

    Before I descrive the Issue, here are my specs. Ryzen 7 2700x Asus TUF X570 pro wifi corsair vengance lpx ddr4 3200mhz 8*2GB RAM (Samsung B-die, ver 4.32) CMK16GX4M2B3200C16 Corsair cx750m Vega 64 (all drivers and bios are up-to-date) Okay so the issue persists when I import my XMP profile into...
  4. TheUltraMarine

    [SOLVED] How good is this setup for under $1000?

    Hey everyone, I've modified my list from last time, adding more RGB and a cheaper case, and other adjustments as well, now I wanted to know, is this a good setup build under $1000? Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qdrmjp
  5. A

    Question Computer won't post to BIOS , no display, no beeps

    I've been trying for 2 hours now to get this to work and I've read several forum recommendations. I don't think the PC specs are that important in this case but it's a pre built PC that I was taking apart to test something else (I didn't have the right adapter so i scrapped that). It was working...
  6. pcgasm

    [SOLVED] X470 motherboard support

    Hello everyone. Here is my question. Let's say i bought x470 motherboard and last time i checked has support for windows 7. Will drivers work if i first install win7 and later upgrade to 8.1?
  7. C

    [SOLVED] 5700xt Low and Inconsistent FPS

    I have recently purchased an Asus Strix 5700xt and I was really interested in upgrading or replacing my current gpu. I came from a gtx 1080 FE and from every review and bench marks, people were getting comparable scores to the 1080 ti. I bought at an incredibly discounted price for good reason I...
  8. H

    Question Adrenalin 2020 Installed in Czech

    So I updated my drivers and did a factory reset, and Radeon Software installed itself in I believe Czech. If someone could just post a video on the buttons to click to get to the language selection or point me towards another forum post that will help, that would be great. Also, I'm not sure if...
  9. T


    As of right now i’m currently running an AMD FX 6300 six core processor, RX 560 2gb, and 8gb ddr3 ram and i believe my motherboard is a Socket AM3+ (942) it says, i’m not %100 sure what my power supply is but i believe it’s just a 450watt, my computer is just a basic cyber power pre built...
  10. Y

    Question VGA Ez Debug Led

    System: Motherboard- MSI B450 Pro Carbon Ram- 2x8 16GB LPX Corsair vengeance GPU- GTX 970 SSC CPU- Ryzen 5 1600 PSU- Aspire 600w I've recently brought a Ryzen 5 1600 to replace my Ryzen 3 2200g CPU and I've been getting the VGA ez debug LED since I switched them and try to boot my system...
  11. BlaiseGD

    [SOLVED] RX 5700 XT Black Screening

    I downloaded alot of drivers including 19.7.5 and all the way up to 20.1.1 (none of them worked). I still get black screen when I play games. Has anyone found working drivers for them or a solution? This is a brand new system. I bought every part very recently. Specs: Ryzen 7 2700X 16 gb DDR4...
  12. R

    [SOLVED] Can my GPU handle the Valve Index

    I currently have a Radeon RX 5700 and i was wondering if my computer would be able to harness the 120hz the Valve Index offers
  13. iShoTz

    Question RX 570 drivers

    I have a RX 570 8GB, tried installing the drivers from AMD site, it says the Error code 1603, tried install from Device Manager, it says Windows encountered a problem during Graphics Driver installation, tried doing clean install with DDU and AMD cleanup utility, still doesn't work, please help...
  14. ajinkys

    Question PC COMPATIBILITY CHECK RY5 3600 + 2060 SUPER + X570

    Hi Please help for compatibility check for Motherboard and Ram Also, advise any bottlenecking issues in the below build. Anything below is overkill do mention. Purpose - watching movies in 4 and playing all latest games in ultra setting. Looking to build a rig which is bit future proof...
  15. H

    Question my gpu falling when installing driver

    gpu sapphire r7 370 dual-x oc 2gb my specs msi b350m mortar latest bios ram corsair ddr4 2400 1x 8gb cpu amd ryzen 3 1200 psu seasonic 430 s12 so gpu was working fine all good untill one day i was plating gta v avoiding the messages that says your gpu is 2gb of vram crossing that will harm your...
  16. H

    Question Problems with installing graphic drivers

    I did a clean install of windows recently and I'am trying to install graphic drivers but it keeps getting stuck in the screen that says please wait while detecting hardware. Any suggestions to fix this? CPU: Intel Core i5-9600K Motherboard: MSI PRO Z390-A PRO LGA 1151 (300 Series) Intel Z390...
  17. S

    Question Will this Psu be good for my build?

    Ryzen 5 2600x, rx 590, m.2 nvme 512gb, 6 fans through sata powered hub. Will this power supply be good for this build https://www.newegg.ca/seasonic-m12ii-620-bronze-620w/p/N82E16817151095?Item=N82E16817151095
  18. S

    Question Will 3200mhz ram work on this motherboard

    It says that you can use 3200mhz ram but says (oc) next to it https://www.newegg.ca/p/N82E16813145086?Item=N82E16813145086 Can someone pls let me know if that means it will work or i can get that speed if I overclock it if i get 3000mhz
  19. A

    [SOLVED] I can't hit 4,1 GHz on ryzen

    Hi. I saw a weird thing while overclocking ryzen 5 2600. It is stable at: -4,0 GHz and 1,3125v (72-77 degrees in OCCT) -4,05 GHz and 1,3625v (about 80 degrees in OCCT) But even on 1,40v it isn't stable at 4,1 GHz. Did I get the bad one of ryzen processor or I do something wrong? My specs: CPU...
  20. A

    [SOLVED] Core voltage in CPU-Z is much higher than in bios

    Hello. Recently I decided to overclock my ryzen 5 2600. I tested 4.0 GHz on 1,3125v and it is stable, but when CPU is under load voltage raises even to 1,36v. How do I fix it? It is really annoying, because when I set 1,40v in bios to reach 4.1 GHz it raises to 1,45v or 1,46v and that voltages...
  21. U

    Question AMD Ryzen 3 2200g APU

    I have HP Compaq MT Pro 6300, is my motherboard compatible with Ryzen 3 2200g APU? I mean can I put this APU to my PC
  22. A

    Question Is there any way to tell the difference between a rx 580 ,and a flashed rx 480

    I bought a used "rx 580" on ebay after checking the description again the specifications were changed to rx 480 is there anyway to tell if i got a rx 580 or rx 480 falshed to a rx 580 bios
  23. S

    Question 80 celcius

    my r7 2700x has 80 celcius at archicad is it good or not?
  24. S

    Question what u think

    what about this pc is it a good or not ryzen 3 2200g 8 ram 2400 mhz rx 580 nitro + special edition mobo - GIGABYTE B450M DS3H can i do 4 k gaming ? p.s. sorry for my bad grammar ;)
  25. S

    Question ?

    when will 3000 series realased ?
  26. S

    Question can i have powercolour rx 480 , i 3 7100 4 ram and mobo : h110M-K on cooto 400w power supply ? please help

    can i have powercolour rx 480 , i 3 7100 4 ram and mobo : h110M-K on cooto 400w ? please help
  27. D

    Question Black screen after installing graphic drivers

    Its all working perfectly I am playing Destiny 2 at very low setting suddenly PC freeze and I need to hard reset my PC after restarting bios logo appeared windows logo appeared with dots sniping loading screen after that screen going to black nothing appear so I did restart my pc go to safe mode...