Bad sector

Forum discussion tagged with Bad sector.
  1. davidborndorf

    Question Event viewer bad sector

    My computer has blue screened a couple times. I was looking at the Event Viewer and noticed a bunch of Bad Sector errors. I ran CHKDSK /r /f which ran fine and showed no errors. But system viewer was still throwing up Bad Sector errors. So I purchased a new SSD and cloned it using Macrium...
  2. C

    [SOLVED] Is there any way of saving my HDD?

    Hi, is there any way of, at least for a while, saving my HDD? I know I should buy a new one, but I would like to use this one for a while if possible.
  3. NikitaR

    Question HDD makes scratching/crackling sounds when booting and when it's working ?

    I had a hard drive that was six months old. One day the computer froze and would not respond to anything. When I restarted the computer using the button on the motherboard, the hard drive started making a crackling noise. A Victoria scan of the hard disk revealed bad sectors. Overwriting the...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Is it possible to Fix my Relocated Sector Count?

    For some days while starting the computer, it did not start normally.. It stopped in bios and made the cracking sound of my hard disk, so I got worried and did a S.M.A.R.T check on the hard Disk Sentinel. It found Some error on my 3 Terabyte Hard-drive , Relocated Sector Count : 181 Relocation...
  5. E

    Question Hard disk health dropped after hard reboot

    So I was doing file transfer to from my computer to my external hard disk this morning and aside from doing that I was also opening up 3 instances of BlueStacks and then what happened is my computer freezed up and with no control over it I decided to do hard reboot by holding the power button...
  6. G

    Question What's causing BSODs on my PC ?

    My system is almost 3 years old.Its having the same blue screen errors like "memory exception" or "kernel data inpage....."etc.My Motherboard has 2 slots having 8gb sticks each of ram each.Thought it was a Ram problem so I played on first slot two times(each with different stick),both times it...
  7. TheuTrich

    Question How can I help an HDD with a full bad sector?

    I accidentally touch the data cable on data transfer, and the computer froze. When restarting the computer I see in the Disk Manager say my HDD is in RAW format. I format it but I say Windows is unable to complete the format, I think after that my HDD is very unstable and randomly disconnects...
  8. O

    Question Low space HDD corrupting files but not showing errors

    My 3TB Seagate HDD has about 400GB left in storage, but when I try to download or add something to it, it'll corrupt that file and won't let me do it anything with it. When said file is being read the disk usage goes up to 100% with no Reading/Writing speed, it just hangs. Checked it with...
  9. alanvatrox

    [SOLVED] External Disk reporting different SMART values

    Hello. I have a 2TB Seagate Expansion+, bought 3-4 years ago, and recently I noticed through Acronis Drive Monitor that it had a bunch of bad sectors, 80 to be precise and 40 for both Pending Sector and Uncorrectable Sectors. Another day passes and the bad sector count jumps to 192 and the...
  10. B

    Question Mark bad sector on HDD with Chkdsk /r

    My HDD has one or more bad sectors according to CrystalDiskInfo and HD Tune Pro. However, Windows did not detect any errors in the file system via Error Check. These are the reported issues: Current Pending Sector Count = 16 Uncorrectable Sector Count = 16 Error scan result: My HDD is...
  11. S

    [SOLVED] Failed HDD replacements ?

    Hello, I have been using my Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM008 ever since my old HDD died in 2019. However, today while gaming everything froze, I got the .... not responding message. I closed the game, checked file explorer and I saw the hard drive missing but my other 2 small storage ssd were...
  12. Andog

    [SOLVED] WD Black 1TB HDD Reallocated Sector Count Below Threshold After CPU Upgrade

    Yesterday I upgraded my CPU from a Ryzen 5 3600 to a Ryzen 7 5800X, and after much scuffle to get the BIOS updated, I received a message from American Megatrends saying that one of my HDDs has an imminent failure with S.M.A.R.T. I installed the Wester Digital LifeGuard Diagnostics to find out...
  13. A

    [SOLVED] HDD failing after hard shutdown

    I had a windows update stuck on 0% for hours so decided to just hard shutdown my pc. After booting up again, windows ran a scan and repair on my second drive (not my windows drive). The repair was progressing extremely slow and the ETA was over a month so I rebooted and skipped scanning. Boot...
  14. Kiss Shot

    [SOLVED] Can I migrate with bad sectors?

    I just wanted to make sure if I can migrate windows 10 from an HDD that has 80 health and 17 bad sectors to a new HDD or SSD without any problems during or after migration. Regardless of what software I use on migration. Thanks
  15. saifraja

    Question Crystal Disk Info of my 2 hdd & Erratic speed

    I have 3 storage units namely , 250 GB Samsung 860 Evo Internal SSD (newly bought) <---- C Drive 1TB WD BLACK CAVIAR Internal HDD @7200 RPM (+9 yrs old) <----- E/F Dive 500 GB WD Portable Elements External HDD @5400 RPM (+9 yrs old) <---- G Drive...
  16. L

    [SOLVED] HDD PCB swap mystery

    Hi all, First off, I'm new to these forums, so I apologise if this thread is in the wrong place. A while ago I took my two 500gb Hitachi Deskstar HDDs out of an old PC and was using them externally via a dock when I absentmindedly connected the wrong power supply to the dock and ended up...
  17. M

    [SOLVED] bad sector!

    how bad is this and can be fixed?
  18. M

    Question Extract Only Files List of Bad Sectored Hard Drive

    Hi Community, My hard drive got bad sector and failed to load , Here's My question about it that describes the issue : I decided to take the hard to Recovery Center and I spent 300$ to get my data...
  19. M

    Question HDD Got Bad Sectors and I can't backup my data

    Hi everybody , I need emergency helps I have a HDD [ Seagate Barracuda 2TB Internal ] and it contains all of my hard works in last 5 years results and resources. yesterday morning it went slow and was freezing when I was trying to copy some data and when I restarted computer I faced S.M.A.R.T...
  20. D

    Question I got problem with the hard disk

    I was having a problem 3 months back on my pc . Problem was...... Disk space 100% usage. And so I updated my windows 10 to newer version. Every thing was fine till today, my pc got stuck when i was playing rainbow six seige. After restarting my pc gave loud clicking sound, and won't even start ...
  21. F

    Restoring data from Samsung phone to LG

    Does anyone know of any existing applications out there, doesn't matter if they are 3rd party that I can use? I need something like the samsung switch application, which allows you to restore data from an iphone onto a samsung. But in this case however I need to restore the data from a Samsung...
  22. R

    Samsung 4K UHD TV not displaying in 60hz

    Hi all, I just recently purchased a new Samsung KU6290 UHD 4K TV for use as a computer and gaming monitor (it is rated for truMotion or clearMotion or whatever as 120, so it should be able to do 60hz). I have tried my darndest to get it to display 4K at 60hz, but to no avail. Here are my system...
  23. D

    Will bottleneck happen?

    Will fx 8300 bottleneck gtx 1050 ti?
  24. D

    i7 6700k Low Single Thread Results!

    Hello, I recently did a benchmark for my CPU with CPU-Z and I compared my results to the same CPU I have. - My Processor - 1999 (98%) - Reference - 2031 (100%) Why is that, are the results of "Reference" overclocked?
  25. O

    Need help!! Build first gaming pc

    Now I don't know much about gaming PCs at all and what I do have is a desktop that if possible like to build off. It has a 3.4 ghz pentium i3 processor, 8gb of ddr3 ram that is expandable to 16gb, 1 terabyte hard drive and runs Windows 8.1. What would I need to do to make this better?
  26. S

    Can i build a pc with a external hdd

    I was wondering can i build a pc without a interna hard drive can i just use a external as my main
  27. G

    Which Monitor Should I Go With?

    Hi I have A Gtx 970 SC And Was Wondering If I should Go With A 1440p Monitor Or A 144hz Monitor Thanks.
  28. L

    Wall to laptop connection not working but router works

    Hi, As the title states, for some reason, when I plug the Ethernet cable directly from the wall to my laptop, my laptop does not even recognize that the Ethernet cable is plugged in. However, when I plug in the same cable to my router, I have WIFI as well as direct connection from router to...
  29. E

    Which one should I get? These PC builds or a ps4? I'm a noob btw

    Which one should I buy this build this build or this Or the ps4? I'm on a budget just so ya know
  30. J

    Some Intel Z87 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Haswell Refresh CPUs.

    What does "Some Intel Z87 chipset motherboards may need a BIOS update prior to using Haswell Refresh CPUs." mean on PCPARTPICKER? this is my build: I chose the i5-4690k because it is overclockable and will do great, I didn't want my CPU to get to high...
  31. P

    Keyboard and mouse mulfunction after entering OS with Maximus VII Ranger

    Hi, Yesterday i replaced my old mobo with Asus Maximus VII Ranger. Im facing problem with my keyboard and mouse. In Bios i can use them without any problems. After reboot then enter OS, my keyboard and mouse are dead. I check bios and try to change some usb configuration. My keyboard and mouse...
  32. E

    ASUS G53SX Doesn't boot, fans too fast, help please!

    The problem is that it doesnt boot, to describe my problem I will explain the behavior Im having. When I press the power button the symptoms are the following: the battery and charging leds, as well as all the leds above the keyboard turn on and stay like that, the hard drive led blinks 2-3...