
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with G-Sync.
  1. D

    Question G-Sync vs. FreeSync vs. neither

    So I just upgraded to a RTX 2080. I picked up this monitor while I was in Best Buy ($220 open box). https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-27-lcd-qhd-space-monitor-black/6321304.p?skuId=6321304 Pretty dam good deal considering 144hz and 1440p. However it doesnt have any syncing capability. For...
  2. NaLolaEnaMilo

    Question Can g-sync work on freesync moniton with dp female to hdmi male adapter?

    Im looking for a new monitor and im thinking of buying this one: https://www.amazon.com/LG-29WK500-P-Monitor-Dual-UltraWide/dp/B07BBT5M8T so i wonder if i could use an adapter like this one...
  3. Pcstarter

    Question amd card w/ freesync or nvidia card without g-sync

    hey! So a dilemma has been brought to my doorstep, I've started a setup wide upgrade, and my upgraded pc specs so far are: 16gb ddr4 ram rysen 7 2600x gtx 1060 ans the final thing for me to upgrade is my gpu, now since I have two viewsonic 144hz freesync monitors then I would like to use the...
  4. P

    Question Gaming on both a high refresh rate G-Sync monitor and a 4K Freesync monitor

    Hello, I recently purchased a XB271HU, a G-Sync IPS 144hz 1440p monitor, that I'm currently using for gaming. What I wanted to do was pair this with another 4K monitor to use for video production, photo manipulation, etc, but I also wanted to game on it from time to time if I wanted to have the...
  5. S

    Question Need help looking for a 1440p 144hz 27" Freesync monitor for my gaming setup

    As the title says I have been looking for a 1440p 144hz 27" Freesync monitor for my setup however I have really been struggling to find one that isnt a ridiculously high price. Could anybody give me some advice or suggestions on what monitor I should look at buying? Should I look at 24"...
  6. basha11

    Question Can we use amd freesync monitors with nvidia gpu? Acer VG271U model

    https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07N41RNX7/?coliid=I207IZU3XN7593&colid=3Q6T9DE2PDO0Q&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it this is the specified monitor. Its Amd Freesync technology monitor & i have nvidia gpu which means i need gsync monitor as per my view. But, recently nvidia releasing some amd freesync...
  7. C

    Question What monitor for Intel integrated graphics?

    What monitor-sync-type for Intel "UHD Graphics 630" integrated graphics in an i5-9xxx Coffee Lake? ** Namely, do Intel's CPUs support FreeSync or G-Sync? ** ** Or Adaptive-sync, Fast-sync or V-sync? ** They include something called "Quick Sync Video", but that is something totally different I...
  8. Joshontech

    Question Asus VG248QE G-Sync upgraded Monitor and AMD

    I have the Asus VG248QE and have updated it with a g-sync board that nvidia offered a while ago. The monitor still runs at 144hz and 1ms refresh but it obviously now has g-sync capabilities. Does anyone know how this monitor will work with an AMD GPU? I am looking to go team red because I have...
  9. R

    GTX 1060 g-sync or RTX 2060 non G-sync

    Hello, I am currently looking for a new laptop to upgrade my old one. Now i have 2 models in mind. Model 1 HP Omen 15-dc0096nd Price: 1250 Euros Quick overview CPU: Intel Core i7-8750H GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 6gb Screen: 15,6'' 144hz IPS G-Sync 1920*1080 RAM: 16GB HDD: 256GB SSD + 1tb 7200rpm...
  10. L

    Question Best 1440p 144Hz gaming monitor

    Hello, I'm looking for a new gaming monitor and can't decide which one to pick. I already have a really good 27in 4k monitor so this monitor would be purely for gaming. Panel performance (response time and input lag) comes before picture quality (it's my second screen), but if I can get...
  11. U

    Question Freesync/G-sync compatibale only working at native resolution?

    Hi. I have 1060 3GB. I recently bought a 1440p Freesync monitor AOC Q3279VWFD8, and after some testing, I noticed Freesync only works at 1440p. If I change to 1080p it stops working and I get screen tearing. Is this normal? Is Freesync / G-sync compatible only meant to work at native resolution?
  12. R

    Question Help! What version display port I need?

    Hi soon will buy new pc and monitor. Monitor will be 144MHz 1080p freesync . Monitor barnd: AOC Gaming G2590FX (Free sync) Video card: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2060 Gaming OC Pro 6GB This monitors is g sync compatible and wanted know what cable use: Display port: 1.1 or Display port 1.2? And this...
  13. S

    Question Nvidia just announced that my Freesync Monitor is G-Sync Compatible hours ago, how do I turn on G-Sync?

    I used to have a AMD RX 480 GPU but then I upgraded to a RTX 2080 Founders Edition. This is my current freesync monitor: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIACVB8580398&Description=ED273%20144hz&cm_re=ED273_144hz-_-24-011-165-_-Product According to the news today, Nvidia just...
  14. C

    [SOLVED] What is bottlenecking my system?? (screenshot)

    Posting a screenshot below of GTAV (single player) with RTSS, I'm not sure what is bottlenecking my GPU, as my CPU is at 50-60%, I understand 120fps is nothing to complain about regardless, however it does it too on some other games, and im not sure what the issue is. Also I have no V-sync or...
  15. andreimoldovan2002

    [SOLVED] I have this problem while playing a certain game!

    Hi,i wanted to play old games cause i was borred so i decided to download spiderman web of shadows,anyway,while i play the game i get bugcheck 1001 and the laptop restarts,i tried to reinstal graphic driver etc,nothing fix that,sometimes i remeber pc freezing while using audacity and fl...
  16. C

    [SOLVED] Adata XPG SX8200 Pro (960GB) compatible with z170x Gaming 3

    So pretty much the title is the question. Is my motherboard z170x Gaming 3 compatible with Adata XPG SX8200 Pro (960GB) ? Does anyone know ?
  17. X

    [SOLVED] Which is the better build ?

    Hi guys, I am about to upgrade / update my 5 year old PC but can't make my mind up on which would be the better of the 2 builds I have in mind. I am in the UK and I have a budget of around £700 (maybe a little more for the right system). I am also trying to save on some parts so I can hopefully...
  18. S

    RTX 2080 compatibility

    My motherboard is an ASUS ROG Z-370E, is this board compatible with the RTX 2080 Thanks
  19. D

    [SOLVED] Stress test temperatures alright? (i7 4790k)

    CPU: i7 4790K MB: H 81M RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz GPU GTX 750 2GB OC HDD: 5.4 SATA 1 TB Guys i just bought this tower cooler - Cooler Master hyper 412R which is a 90mm tower cooler. I was actually aiming for a 120mm, like the 212 or the Cryorig H7, but none of them was available here. I run the...
  20. N

    is upgrading i5 3570k to i7 6700 worth it or should I go for 9th gen i5/i7.

    I currently own a pc with i5 3570k @4.2Ghz GTX960 2gb VRAM 8gb ram and theres a preowned computer for sale with i7 6700 gt750 16gb ram i will probably get a rtx 2070 in the future and I was wondering if this upgrading to an i7 6700 is worthwhile and what price I should offer for the pc...
  21. N

    First Pc Build - In need of assistance

    https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HYvtdX Hey, this is my first PC build ever and I think it is decent but I'm not very experienced with this stuff so any advice or comments would be appreciated. I will be using it mainly for gaming (1440p at pretty good settings) and also for stuff like movies and...
  22. N

    Windows 10 Load freezing

    Hi My self built PC was working fine until it shut down for no reason whilst playing a game. It then would not boot Windows, i tried all the Windows 10 built in fixes but none worked. So tried installing Ubuntu, same issue there, freezing about 5 mins into install. In the end i went out and...
  23. K

    Windows 10 keep asking for default program

    I have windows 10 1803 build, i assigned Sumatra PDF as my default pdf reader yet windows keep asks for default app for pdf files. I tried to to prevent EDGE from opining pdf files through registry. now windows doesn't suggest Microsoft edge anymore, but still pop up window asks for default app...
  24. macubex120

    Will the i7-6700k Bottleneck the RTX 2080Ti?

    Will the i7-6700k Bottleneck the RTX 2080Ti? Its time to upgrade Processor or not?
  25. B

    Suggested upgrades for older Desktop HP p6607c

    Hi guys, I'm looking for some suggestions on how I can get a bit more performance out of an old desktop machine that I am using as a backup. I do some 3D stuff, but really I would be happy if this machine could run Photoshop CC without lagging. I think probably I would need to replace the...
  26. K

    Thinkpad T420 refurbished for web development and browsing?

    My son wants a laptop to code and browse the web. I'm not sure whether to get a chromebook or not. Lots of people have suggested a business class laptop like the thinkpad t420 refurbished like: https://www.ebay.com/itm/311439017491 and to buy it a battery...
  27. S

    Got new gpu,but psu doesn't have 6 and 8 pin connectors!

    ok,I just got new gpu (not really new,it's EVGA gtx 760 2gb),but my psu doesn't have 6 and 8 pin connectors,which are needed for this graphics card.I thought to get a adapter and connect them to my molex connectors,but I only found 1 free molex connector,which isn't enough.I need minimum 3 of...
  28. W

    gtx 1080ti aorus extreme edition at 2126 Mhz air cooling

    did i won silicon lottery? i didn't add voltage i upped power to 150 i added 120 Mhz to core and 100 to vram and i run a benchmark all the way at 1080P at ultra and i get 2126Mhz all the way at 67C
  29. 1

    how do you get strike-through in notepad on windows 10 probook

    I am currently trying to type something, but there is no option for strikethrough and the shortcut won't work
  30. S

    Suggest a suitable low budget graphic card for my PC.

    I want to buy a used graphic card for my old PC. Suggest me a suitable graphic card for my PC. My PC specs are: CPU: Intel Pentium E5500 (Dual core) @ 2.8GHz. RAM: 8GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333MHz. PSU: 450W. HDD: Seagate 250 GB. Motherboard: Gigabyte GA G41-M Combo (rev 1.3). Guys please suggest a...
  31. M

    My core speed and voltage are too low. How do I increase them?

    I've spent the past 12 hours sitting in front of my computer, trying to figure out why my computer has slowed down drastically over the past week. There's no viruses, hardly any space or memory is being used, my fiber optic internet is amazing, so that brings me to my final suspect. Upon...
  32. G

    Best way to isolate packet loss between computer and router

    Let me apologize ahead of time for my ignorance. Having isolated packet loss to between a computer and default gateway, and without the ability to test on another computer or troubleshoot physicals, what is the best way to determine what is causing the packet loss (computer/router/Ethernet...
  33. T

    PC turns on than shuts off after couple seconds, guessing it's the CPU cooler or psu

    So after having a broken pc for close to three months, trouble shooting finally allowed me to fix my pc by rma-ing my cpu and yesterday I installed it and my pc worked perfectly fine. I monitored my temps because I though my cooler might have something wrong but my CPU stayed cool all night...
  34. E

    Gpu shuts down randomly

    Hi, I've run into a problem that I can't seem to find an answer for. A few months ago I had my computer on while I was away and I used a software to remotely get something I had there and mail it to myself. It when I launched the software and connected to my computer nothing would show from...
  35. F

    New Builder: No Beep/Display/POST

    Hello, I'm trying to make a budget build. I got everything assembled and in the case. When I power the computer on, all the case fans power on, as well as those for the CPU, GPU, and PSU, so I can only assume that those components are at least powering on. Everything looks fine to me, but...
  36. B

    Counter strick 1.6 fps

    Can i go over 100fps ? Like 300? I have tried 300 but it sucks in multi jump mod (can't jump like 100Fps,in 300fps heavy jump ) Can anyone explain it? Core 2 Doue E8400 3GHZ Gf 610 2GB 4GB ram 60Hz monitor
  37. L

    Did I fry my mobo?

    Hi, very new to PC Building so really appreciate any help. I tried connecting an RGB light strip to the header on the mobo and immediately after I turned on the PC, I saw smoke coming from the general area of the RGB pin headers on the mobo. Something smelt burnt too. Have I fried the mobo and...
  38. N

    asus rog strix b350-f gaming vs msi B350 GAMING PRO CARBON

    hi there which one is a better choice for the price?and why? which one has better(lower temp) vrms?in case of oc to 3.8 of 1700 is there a better one at this price?
  39. M

    What cable do I need to power my GTX 1070?

    I just purchased the PNY - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 Graphics Card - Black from Best Buy and I seem to have lost the power connector that came with my PSU to connect it to the GPU. It requires a single 8 pin power and it included an 8 pin to two 6 pins. My PSU includes a...
  40. N

    one keyboard, one pc, 2 different places to type

    Hello, i got maybe a weird question.. For my work at home, i use 2 monitors, one pc one keyboard ofcourse and a mouse haha But on both monitors i have a program open on the main monitor i type large text, on my second monitor i have a page where i type exactly the same, i can't copy paste in...