need help

Page 5 - Forum discussion tagged with need help.
  1. S

    Msi gaming 5

    So guys am unable to track down MSI's service centre in my are of nearby radius. Have decided to move over to some other brand now.. Earlier i was planning to get the Msi Z97 Gaming 5 for my new build but seems i wont be able to.. Please suggest me some other brand - ASUS or GIGABYTE mobo of...
  2. A

    Is my mobo compatible with the r9 280 gpu

    I have a gigabyte h61m d2 b3 mobo is it compatible with the r9 280
  3. J

    Gtx 960 SLI question

    Hi, I am new at the world of the pc gamin, Im the owner of a gtx 960, its of 2 gb of ddr5 ram, and on amazon I saw a gtx 960 with 4 gb of ddr5 ram, my question is: Can I SLI my 960 with the 960 of 4 gb from EVGA?
  4. A

    Replaced the motherboard

    I got a new motherboard for a computer that had had its motherboard fried. I reassembled it and plugged it into my tv but nothing came on. My friend suggested that something else like the graphics card or processor could have gotten fried too. Any help or ideas?
  5. A

    Can someone check my build (this is my first time).

    Thanks for reading and i appreciate all the help. I am building a system completely from scratch. I have about 1,000 dollars but I do not want to spend it all if i don't have too. Im looking for a computer that can game and keep up with the future for a few years. Im not hardcore about gaming...
  6. M

    Really bad flickering and color changes. Something wrong with my video card?

    This has been going on for months and has been getting steadily more frequent. I recorded it. Does anyone know what's going on? I just replaced the VGA cable and the VGA adapter yesterday but that didn't fix a thing. I also moved my computer closer to the monitor so the cords aren't being tugged...
  7. exfileme

    Gaming Will Eventually Invade Microsoft's HoloLens

    Gaming will eventually infiltrate Microsoft's new augmented reality headset. Gaming Will Eventually Invade Microsoft's HoloLens : Read more