need help

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with need help.
  1. Crashman

    Best Cases (Archive)

    Here are the best cases for custom PC builds. Our recommendations take cooling and noise into account, and most sell for less than $100. Best Cases : Read more
  2. W

    Weird things going on with RAM and RAM slots...

    Okay this one has got me scratching my head a bit... I have an Asus Z170I Pro Gaming board (mini itx). It's never been able to run my memory (2x8GB corsair kit) at XMP speeds (2666) - every time I turned on the XMP profile, the system would boot loop for a bit and then show up saying...
  3. S

    hydro h100i v2

    i know it is a watercooler but can i just install it without water or anything and it just work like a good aircooler?
  4. A

    can it handle core i5 1st gen ?

    hi guys i have dell optiplex 960 with core 2 quad q9600 ,and i want to know that will i be able to install core i5 in this thing?
  5. Ryan_81

    How to install drivers during windows install

    Okay this is hopefully the last thread I make about this. I have a Dell Poweredge 2900 I need to install the PERC 5i drivers during windows install of windows server 2008. But my problem is that How do I install these drivers? I have the installer downloaded. I just put them on the bootable USB...
  6. R

    windows 10 black screen

    Since the anniversary up-date I have been getting a random black screen that last about 1-3 seconds and it is very annoying.
  7. M

    Best 1440p monitor under $300?

    What is the best 1440p monitor I can get under 300? I have been looking at these, but I really can't decide. I am mostly an FPS gamer btw.
  8. J

    Need advice on PC build.

    This PC I made on parts picker is not from an experienced PC builder by no means, but that is why I am here to get some advice on what I may should do differently. First this PC will be primarily used for PC gaming. I will also use it for music production, and 3D modeling and rendering. To...
  9. L

    Should I use my PC w/o a GPU?

    Hello, I recently build my first PC. Here's my build. CPU: AMD FX-8350 MOBO: MSI 970 Gaming Power Supply: EVGA 750w Case: FD define s 16 gb of ram smamsung evo ssd and 1 tb hard drive. I purchased the new MSI rx 480 but it wont be coming in until two weeks and I already have all the other...
  10. E

    Is a 650W enough for a gtx 1070?

    Hey guys Is a evga g1 650w gold psu good enough for a msi gaming x gtx 1070 with the other components as well? I5 6500 16 DDR4 RAM 120GB SSD 500GB HARD DRIVE H170 PRO MOBO GTX 1070
  11. A

    Questions about power supply for new low-budget PC

    HELLO! Ok so as title says I'm building a somewhat low budget PC aaanddd I am total noob when it comes to building PC (well I know some bits and pieces). Here's what I've got so far... Mother: h110 CPU: i5 6400 2.7 ghz Video: gtx 970 Ram: 8(4x2) gb kingston hyperx fury I want to know if...
  12. I

    Cherry MX Green UK

    Hello everybody, I have been looking for a Cherry MX Green keyboard in the UK, if someone could provide me with a link I would be grateful. Thanks
  13. F

    Only 17Mbps Via LAN, wifi, or powerline adapter

    I have tested wifi, direct ethernet into LAN port, and a powerline adapter and all yeild about the same speed of ~17 Mbps. I live in an apartment that uses Blue Ridge internet. On there website the speed packages go from 15 Mbps to 60 Mbps. So in theory since I am getting 17 Mbps at worst the...
  14. extreametech

    Overclocking a FX-6300 to 4Ghz without VRMs getting hot?

    Hey guys so I posted here about potentially upgrading to Intel, they said save and to overclock my CPU to 4ghz if possible. The only constraint about this is my motherboard is a ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0 but the probelm is that it does have any heat sink on its VRMs. I don't want them to get hot as I...
  15. FreeerunFlame

    Lockups During Memtest and Mem Diagnostics

    I've been experiencing random lockups (mouse and keyboard both unresponsive) requiring hard reset. Sometimes it runs for hours without issues and sometimes it locks up minutes after login. :??: So I ran windows 10 memory diagnostics and it locked up during the extended test at 21%, the standard...
  16. U

    Review my build, advice please - comments and suggestions appreciated

    Hello- I'm building a mostly brand new system. I am hoping that the forum can look at the components below and let me know what they think. I want to make sure everything is compatible and that I'm getting decent quality components for the money. I put the reasons for my choices, which...
  17. D

    is my Power supply Sufficient to support two 1tb hdd and one 120 gb ssd ??

    Hi Folks My Pc Configuration is given below i am adding 1 tb wd blue 7200 64mb cache hard drive to this built my power supply is Antec VP450 will it be able to handle 2 hard drives or not and is it safe to add another ssd 120 gb as Os drive or Boot drive on top of two hard drives ? so my...
  18. S

    CPU problem but im not sure

    i just built a new computer and i was just doing normal things i always do and all of a sudden my comp just restarts on me, not sure what it was but my cpu temps are good, the only thing that i had open was WoW and then i pulled up chrome then it happened not sure what happened. My cpu is intel...
  19. R

    Google plus keeps syncing my photos

    Hello, I tried asking this question on Google plus forum, but no help. For whatever reason Google keeps syncing pics from my phone onto my Google plus account. I thought I disabled my Google plus account, but when I went to change my Gmail profile picture, I could see photos from my phone under...
  20. P

    Computer Black screens when playing game but sound continues

    Built the computer 2 weeks ago had no problems until last night when i was playing Diablo 3 when my computer screen went black and no display message popped up. during the black screen i was able to hear the game sounds and my voice chat program i was even able to talk but after 10-15 seconds i...
  21. J

    New Build - Will be used for CS Activities at Uni, light photo editing and very light gaming

    Hey all, Here is my part list: I will be doing CS (computer science) at Uni so this build will be running multiple programs, as well as a little of photo editing and very light gaming (browser based and WOT) and also watching vids. Is this going to run things...
  22. H

    I'm look for a cheap computer for around 200 buck

    I want a computer for around 200 dollars that I can get 50 fps or better any suggestions
  23. F

    Corrupted "asycfilt.dll file"Windows 8.1 Enterprise N x64

    Hi guys.!! Am new to this fourm.. I have been experiencing an error with asycfilt.dll file it says that "C:\windows\system32\asycfilt.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error. Error status 0x000012f" whenever my system starts. I tried downloading from diff websites...
  24. A

    600W PSU for GTX 980 Ti Lightning

    I recently picked up an open-box item from Newegg. It came with an AMD R9 285 MSI Gaming 2GB card, and a standard 600W Bronze PSU. I added a 240GB SSD to go along with the 1TB WD HD that came with the computer. When I go to PC part picker, and swap out the AMD with the GTX 980 ti, it says...
  25. T

    Need help deciding

    Which is more powerful in the statement below? The processor has been upgraded from a Pentium D 3.4GHz to a newer and more powerful Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz Processor.
  26. O

    Is this a good build for gaming?

    I would like to know your opinion Motherboard: ASUS MAXIMUS VIII Hero Z170 Processor: Intel® CoreT i7 6700k 4.GHz/4.2GHz Turbo QUAD Core CPU w/ Hyperthreading 8MB L3 Cache MAINGEAR Redline Overclocking Service: YES! - Redline? Overclock My System! Memory: 16GB Corsair® DOMINATORT...
  27. Titillating

    Tom's Hardware Giveaway: Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain

    Good Monday to you all! This is an exciting week for some people. Tomorrow is the official release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain! And of course, we here at Tom’s Hardware are going to be giving a copy away! Since we only have one copy this time (sorry guys) we’re going to make this...
  28. S

    Help me choose a PSU

    Hi, guys. I'm looking in to buying a new PSU. I have settled on few brands/models that my chosen retailer provides. The PSU will be powering: Intel Core i5 4690k processor, nVidia GTX 770 graphics card, and 3 to 4 hard drives. MOBO is Asus Sabertooth z97 mk2 I will overclock my CPU and...
  29. T

    Random FPS drop in CS:GO.

    So my friend just bought a new processor (AMD FX-8370 Black Edition, Socket-AM3+, 8cores 4,0ghz) And when he plays CS:GO he gets around 250-280 FPS, But sometimes he gets a random FPS drop around 60FPS and when that happends the CPU-Fan gets quiet and when he drops from 250-280FPS to 60FPS he...
  30. A

    Upgrade from gtx 750 ti to 280x?

    I currently have a gtx 750 ti oc edition and a friend is selling his r9 280x for cheap. So at most I'm looking at like 30-40 bucks after I get rid of the 750. Is that worth it for the upgrade or would I be better off sticking with the 750 a little longer? Thanks!
  31. M

    New PC build power supply worries

    I am building a new pc for my friend which is on a budget The parts I have selected are FX 8350 Asus m5a97 8gb of ram gtx 555 120gb ssd 1tb hdd I was planing to use a Gigabyte Odin Pro 550w to power it While I am certain 550...
  32. E

    Looking for network help

    If I put my comcast router in my basement how can I get good wifi in my home. House is vey large and wired with cat 5e throughout and all the cat 5 e are in a cabinet were I'd like to put the router?
  33. A

    Lenovo G580 20157 my laptop is not getting

    Lenovo G580 20157 my laptop is not getting on but while pressing the power switch the white light and fan will run then it will go turn off then it will start automatically off on off on and the Display will be blank. so kindly let me know what is the problem..?
  34. C

    Fight night games

    Hi guys just wondering if they is a way to get fight night 4 or champion on pc as there is no way to emulate PS3 or Xbox Cheers
  35. C

    ARCTIC Alpine 11 Plus vs. Stock

    So I just bought all of my PC parts and I didn't even think about overclocking (very new to PCs). However I was looking for something that would look nice in my build, keep my CPU (i5 4690k) cooler than the stock, and maybe let me OC it up to 3.7/8ghz. Since I have the MSI Krait Z97 mobo (the...
  36. K

    Is this good for a decent gaming build ?

    First of all i want to thank you guys, you helped me so much in choosing the parts I wanted and it got me to this list. What do you think? Any changes or better parts, cheaper parts. I don't intend to SLI/Crossfire, at least not at first. CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core Processor CPU Cooler...
  37. H

    External hard drive not responding.

    I called to customer support and they asked me to download drivers. After download the driver still same My external hard disk still not working. They asked me go to another step which is do a diagnostic. I tried extended scan but after 12 hours scan just a very little amount scanned. Should I...
  38. trackerjackerly

    What's a Wifi Router?

    this questioN is really stupid, Do wifi routers boost gaming speeds and download and upload speeds?
  39. A

    Is My Build Fit For Purpose?

    Hi Folks, :) I am in the process of selecting the best package for my workstation specs, and I think I have come up with a good solution, but I would like your opinions/advice about if these specs are fit for purpose. And my purpose for this workstation is editing DSLR footage using Adobe...
  40. addison

    Will I be bottlenecked?

    I got a r9 270 for a pretty good price, 150$ today. My PC has 5GB DDR2 800MHZ (yeah I know, a low amount, my CPU cooler is very large so it makes a takes over 1 ram module slot. 550 Power Up! PSU AMD Athlon 2 X4 635 I know my CPU is pretty old. I got it 5 or so years ago, it was basically as...