PC noise

Forum discussion tagged with PC noise.
  1. K

    Question What is this strange high frequency vibration noise coming from my pc?

    Hi all, I recently got a pre built gaming pc from Cyberpower UK. The pc is performing fantastic and I'm happy with the performance. However, I have a really irritating problem with a weird sort of high frequency noise coming from in the case somewhere. It's really hard to pint point exactly...
  2. T

    Question What causes my PC to make a constant noise that alternates its pitch, correlating to my mouse location in game?

    Today I noticed that when I start a game that is GPU heavy enough for my fans to kick in a little audibly, there is a constant high pitched noise that changes its pitch relative to my current mouse position in game. If I move left and right it goes lower then higher in pitch, if I hold still it...
  3. Kris_Py

    Question New PC started to be really noisy after visiting sketchfab.com

    Hi So i got a new pre-build pc about 2 weeks ago which didn't make any noise unless under a lot of load, but now after visiting sketchfab one time, the fans are constantly really noisy and i've started to notice a lot of "janky" noise, which from what i've read might be bubbles in the water pump...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Reasons why my PC makes noise?

    So, my PC makes a considerable amount of noise and I can think of a few reasons why, but since I’m still a rookie to all the PC building stuff, I would like to ask for help from more experienced people. 1. The PC case I have right now is the Aerocool Cylon RGB Mid Tower, and I’ve heard the...
  5. Rhyyn

    Question I7 4790K non-oc temps

    Hey guys, i'm here for your toughts on this, i'm running a I7 4790K for a few years now and it was cooled by an old Corsair H60 which was doing the job fine until a few weeks ago. Case is NZXT 340 close to perfect cable management, with 3 Be Quiet Silent wings and 1 Noctua NF-A12 all linked to a...
  6. L

    Replacing RAM - Hyundai Electronics

    I currently use 4GB RAM manufactured by Hyundai Electronics which seems to be a very local company. I am thinking of upgrading my RAM. So should i remove my current RAM and purchase Corsair 4x2gb RAM or just add Corsair 4gb RAM? Do manufacturer of PC components matter? Does it change any...