rtx 2060

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with rtx 2060.
  1. S

    Discussion All Games Lagging on a good pc and I don't know what to do :/ Please Help!

    I built my pc in late Summer 2020 (Specs: MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z, i7-10700K, G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 32GB (2 x 16GB), EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G5, 80 Plus Gold 650W, MotherBoard MSI Z490-A PRO, Be Quiet DARK ROCK PRO 4). All Games seem to lag and stutter more often than they do for my friends, I...
  2. I

    Question Having issues with ASUS vg279q1a monitor

    Hello, I'm the owner of a somewhat newly acquired ASUS monitor. I have had the monitor for about three, four months now, and as of recently I've begun to have issues where the monitor does not display properly at any refresh rate higher than 120hz (see attached image 1). From what I can tell, it...
  3. signingoutsoon

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 game stutter/ audio stutter in some games.

    Suddenly this week, I started getting fps and audio stuttering every couple of seconds. The odd thing is that it only happens in some games. Battlefield V / Sekiro work perfectly fine but Red Dead Redemption online freezes every couple of seconds with the sound freezing and then coming back as...
  4. Eitan470

    [SOLVED] low fps on rtx 2060

    So basically I am really think this starterd happening after I changed my cpus thermel paste and had a problem with that because the cooler just ripped my ryzen 5 2600 out of the stock and bent a pin but I managed to bend it back but now with my rtx 2060 I'm getting in GTA and in red dead...
  5. T

    [SOLVED] PC performing below expectations

    i recently bought an asrock z590 phantom gaming 4, with i5-11400f and rtx 2060, and i saw benchmarks on youtube and, for example, it was getting around 170 fps on gtav and i can barely get 100 fps ( View: https://youtu.be/4JleJCKkkFc?t=521 - the video i saw) i updated the bios, verified the...
  6. S

    [SOLVED] Games Lagging on very good PC

    So pretty much every single game that I play lags or has lag spikes from time to time. But fps doesn't reach 0, if fps is at 144 it will go down to 120-140 something like that. Far Cry 5: whenever I pick up items the game lags from 90 fps to 80-90. I noticed that the game autosaves when I pick...
  7. M

    [SOLVED] Is it possible to change the default booting screen of a RTX bios.

    hey, is it possible to change the black booting screen of the RTX which shows the bios version in CMD like format to be more like something "NVIDIA RTX, the way it is meant to be played" Esque logo screen, I got an RTX 2060, and would like to tweak up the aesthetics? any comment will be hugely...
  8. TheKerangMan

    [SOLVED] PC Startup in Custom Fan Mode

    My RTX 2060 is kinda factory hot.average 80C when gaming(full load) and fan just ran at 50's %! So i undervolt it and set up fan to run at 70% and saved it to a profile using MSI Afterburner.. Everything runs accordingly..back to default if i shut down and restart the PC.. Until yesterday i...
  9. S

    Question Monitor loses signal when starting games or gpu intensive tasks?!

    After my pc had a week of life on this unforgiving world, my monitor/gpu would lose signal every time I start a game/benchmark (only when it gets to the gpu portion). I'll be able to get to the splash screen for games but monitor would just go out after. The audio would continue for 5 seconds...
  10. Moth254KF

    [SOLVED] Do the Evga XC 2060 has good temperature?

    I dont mind the cheap evga psu I will change it later, the most important part about the bundle is the rtx 2060 is super cheap almost at its original msrp, I dont mind the psu but I do mind the temperature of the gpu, it has only one fan, It will keep good temperatures? Like, playing games...
  11. Moth254KF

    [SOLVED] Are evga power supplies good?

    I more far cheap bundle appear today, I dont know if this model of graphics card has good thermals (btw I am not doing any type of overclock), besides the part that I have my doubt is the power supply, is a EVGA 06G-P4-2063-KR... It is good quality? And has good protections? I dont mind the...
  12. Moth254KF

    [SOLVED] Are TUF power supplies good ?

    I've seen a cheap RTX 2060 with a TUF 550w power supply (see link below). Should I give this bundle a shot? Because I dont know if is better or the same quality than a CX 550 ? Note: I have a 4790 with 16 gbs of ram Here is the bundle source...
  13. MegaDragonWolf

    Question Huge perfomance lost cause by low clock GPU (asus rog RTX 2060)

    Around prob 2 month ago, i was playing minecraft with shaders on and all of a sudden i got a huge FPS drop, the next day it was not working properly, i found a "fix" by changing some option in the registry Editor, But it only worked for a couple of days, and so 2 months later its stil the same...
  14. A

    [SOLVED] Can my RTX 2060 run a 1440p 165hz monitor?

    I was thinking about getting a 1440p 165hz monitor for my setup but there are a lot of mixed opinions if RTX 2060 can run a 1440p 165hz monitor. GPU: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700x 8-Core Wanted Monitor: VG27AQ
  15. jerry_96

    [SOLVED] Help with stuttering issues on mid end build

    Hi guys; I have fairly good setup build for my gaming pc My pc specs: Cpu : ryzen 5 2400g Gpu : zotac gaming rtx 2060 6gb Storage : Hdd 7200rpm sata 1TB Power supply : thermaltake lite power 550W brozen 80+ Ram : kingston value ram DDR4 2666mhz dual channel 8GB*2 overclocked to 2800mhz Monitor...
  16. SomeGuyonTHW

    [SOLVED] Why there isn't a Single good review on Asus TUF RTX 2060?

    There is Literally NO REVIEW on this GPU at least in English or from fairly big tech yt channels. I was unable to find any, there was only an unboxing nothing else like this 2060 model doesn't even exist. there are reviews on single fan model of Gigabyte but not on this which makes it weirder...
  17. P

    [SOLVED] Bad GPU performance after switching to an SSD

    hi, a while ago i made a post here about buying an ssd. i've gone ahead and done it, and... wow, that's quite a big difference. from 10 minute boot time to ~10 seconds. however, since switching to loading windows 10 off an ssd, games haven't been running very well. i'm not sure why this is...
  18. 0

    [SOLVED] Monitor won't go to sleep properly

    Hi Today I installed my sparkly new GeForce RTX 2060 and what a treat it is! Except I have an annoying problem. I have two Dell P2312H monitors both attached from the cards DP to their DVI inputs. My machine is set to turn off the displays after 3 mins of inactivity. My number 2 monitor does...
  19. AnonymousMatija

    Question Is it compatible?

    Hi, I own an old computer with a Lenovo ThinkCentre A58 Tower Socket 775 71Y8458 Motherboard. I'm interested in mining Bitcoin and I have a RTX 2060 SUPER graphics card that I'm not currently using, so I was wondering if these two components are compatible? I thank you for your replies in...
  20. mahethekiller

    Question Graphics card fans running very fast no display

    I was playing valheim and suddenly there was black screen. i could hear game in the background.So i restarted my pc and there was no display. My GPU(2060 founders edition) fans are running very fast but there is no display also there is no light on GPU. So i removed my graphics card cleaned it...
  21. L


    Hello, I have a lot of problems in games like COD CW, EFT, SQUAD and Hell Let Loose with huge fps drops and freezes. GPU temps around 80 degrees CPU around 50. This all is starting from little freezes and leading to the crashes, doesn't matter if I shoot or do nothing games are randomly...
  22. phamz9845

    Question Minecraft Low Fps

    I have an RTX 2060 and an i7 8700 and I only average about 80-100 fps on Minecraft with Optifine. I don't know if I'm supposed to get more because I saw this guy on youtube that got his fps up to 800 and we had the exact same CPU and GPU.
  23. fabdullah230

    [SOLVED] Very low fps on Triton 500 rtx 2060

    A few months ago, games used to run perfect. Warzone all high was easily 95+ average. Now it struggles to maintain 55 in all low. Doesnt make a difference if i turn on DXR with all high, the fps is still 55ish. i tried dropping down resolution with no effect on fps. There is no cap on fps set by...
  24. Flavio333

    Question Rtx 2060 coil whine at clock boost in games.

    Hello guys , my GPU( Galax rtx 2060 1-click oc) has been having this strange noise for a few days. When I use the computer for simpler tasks, I don't hear any noise, however in games like Cyberpunk 2077, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc., I hear this annoying hum. The strangest thing is that when I press...
  25. Tiger.Jo

    Question Coil Whine - GPU (GeForce RTX 2060)

    On 10 November I have build my new Game PC, until today I never heard any noise "coil whine" from my GPU (MSI GeForce RTX 2060 VENTUS XS 6G OC). Everytime I start a game it's making noise, while idle it's quiet. I checked HWMonitor and when the GPU is 0,725 V it's quiet, when it goes to 1,050 V...
  26. N

    [SOLVED] GPU fan speed goes up and down (from 0Rpm to 1400Rpm)

    RTX 2060 6gb my card fan speed goes up and down every minute or so. here is a NZXT cam - NZXT cam https://paste.pics/ac191b0c67a5d8cdf9bbbe03c7b06de5 how can i change that it goes from 0Rpm to 1400Rpm on idle(online school)
  27. B

    Question GPU started buzzing after I cleaned it with canned air

    This weekend I installed an m.2 ssd in my computer and decided to clean out the rest of it using compressed air. I ensured I held the can far away, I sprayed it all over my pc to clear it of dust. I noticed my GPU was especially dusty so I sprayed some compressed air down its vents. When I...
  28. JojoErik

    [SOLVED] Can H310M-DGS run Asus Rtx 2060?

    Can H310M-DGS run Asus Rtx 2060|6gb...
  29. pokemusha

    [SOLVED] Can I run Cyberpunk at recommended?

    I recently upgraded my GPU to an RTX 2060, but my CPU is an i5-4690k @3.5GHz. I have 24gb of RAM, and 1080p 60fps monitor. I don't know much about PC hardware to be honest, and can't upgrade any more. I bought the game on Stadia, and think I might enjoy it more on PC. Please let me know :) Any...
  30. Frazzy

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060

    Do I need a better monitor if I buy RTX 2060? I've currently got XB271HU Predator Monitor Resolution - 2560 x 1440 refresh rate - 165 Hz bit depth - 8-bit color format - RGB
  31. Raizazel

    Question Performance issues after upgrade

    First of all thanks in advance for your help and suggestions, I'm new to the forum yet I've been reading your posts for a long time. I just upgraded my PC from an i7 2600k OC 4.3Ghz to a Ryzen 3 3100 no OC yet, since graphics card's prices are a bit up right now I decided to move my RTX 2060...
  32. Y

    [SOLVED] Weird GPU problem

    So long story short i was using a gtx 960 for a long time, Warzone ran fine, i mean not 60 fps fine, but 40-50 fps fine, it was playable, half a year ago a friend of mine lend me his 1060 it was a good card, i used to run Warzone at 50-70 fps, my cpu is a core i5 4440, i know, i know, it is a...
  33. H

    Question RTX 2060 or 5600XT for a freesync monitor?

    Morning everyone! Which card is better for my freesync monitor? Im using 144hz Freesync monitor AOC C24G1 I want lowest input lag and smooth gameplay. And i'm playing overall CS GO and some other games on LOW/COMPETATIVE settings at 1080p. Both cards today on black friday in Bulgaria are between...
  34. H

    [SOLVED] MSI 2060 Z - one fan on/off

    Hi, I have the MSI RTX 2060 GAMING Z 6 GB. In recent days, I have noticed that one of the two fans on the card cyclically accelerates from about 50 to 100% at a high load above 70'C. It looks as if it turns on at 100% at 72-73 degrees, then turns off below 70 degrees. It looks very strange. When...
  35. K

    [SOLVED] GTX 1660 Super OC or RX 5600 XT or RTX 2060 for gaming?

    Hi! I'm going to build my first budget gamer pc and I want to keep it's cost low but I'm not sure about which video card should I choose that is future proof and worth the deal. What I'd like is a setup that could run games for the next 4-5 years at 1080p and at least Medium settings 40-60fps...
  36. rednall


    my fps is lower than expected from this GPU, like in valorant my fps is only ranging from 100 - 120, and sometimes it drops to 80 - 90 fps. MY RIG : GeForce RTX 2060 Driver Version 457.09 AMD Ryzen 5 3400G with Radeon Vega Graphics 16gb RAM 1920x1080 , 144hz (Display Port) (its a free sync...
  37. akaikisaki

    [SOLVED] URGENT: Does anyone know/ have experience about this RTX 2060

    Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 OC 6GB S.No- GV-N2060OC-6GD - Please look up using this Serial Number. RTX 2060 was not in my budget, however, this version of RTX 2060 is. I recently bought a 1660 Super. Just saw this card on sale. I can return the 1660 Super and get this one. I am looking...
  38. Legonza

    Question Graphics Problem, Please Help!!

    Hi everybody! Like 2 years ago i started seeing weird artifacts/glitching graphics in fences for example, its like the antialiasing is not working at all. I was with a gtx 1060 6gb but a week ago i upgraded to a rtx 2060 super hoping the gpu was the problem, but the problem is still there. I...
  39. I

    [SOLVED] VS450 Enough For RTX 2060?

    Yes I know the VS450 isn't the greatest psu but at the moment I have a GTX 1050TI and works great but I'm looking to upgrade to a RTX 2060 (recomended 500W according to nvidia) I have done many power supply calculators and with my components the load is average to 380-390 would my VS450 PSU...
  40. BitingCrib520

    [SOLVED] I need help with my PSU please!

    So my pc has recently started blue screening a lot with memory, driver and gpu related issues, I have done some research and found it is most likely my power supply causing the issues My pc specs are I5-9400f Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2060 OC 2x Corsair Vengeance 8gb DDR4 3200 MHz Gigabyte H310M A...