rtx 2060

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with rtx 2060.
  1. JosefuAto

    [SOLVED] ASUS FX505DV-NH74 Framerate lower then normal.

    Greetings forums! Recently my friend purchased an ASUS FX505DV-NH74 laptop (RTX 2060, Ryzen 7 3750H, 16GB DDR4) for gaming purposes. During one of our play sessions, we noticed that framerates in games that should run at above 60 (Minecraft with Shaders, Overwatch, Apex: Legends, all at...
  2. iNotLazo

    [SOLVED] 2060 super 8gb advanced + R5 3600 + tomahawk b450

    Hello guys, this will be probably my first pc if u help me so thats all i have: Ryzen 5 3600 Msi tomahawk b450 (not MAX & bought) RTX 2060 super 8gb advanced Azza 650W 80+ bronze (bought) Ram xpg spectrix d60G 8gb (x2) (bought) Case azza blaze231 SSD 2.5 ADATA 256GB Im getting confused cuz i...
  3. Test-Changes

    Question So I bought a graphics card my motherboard doesn't support. Need some help figuring out my options.

    So I currently have a HP, H8-1020 with an i72600s @2.8GHz, with a 500w power supply. I just bought myself a brand new rtx2060 KO. When installed I hear one beep, a pause and then many many fast beeps. My motherboard wont support it from what my research has shown. Also, it doesn't post when...
  4. OrdJk

    [SOLVED] Which graphics card is better for my system ?

    RTX 2060 or RX 5700 These both come in around the same price so I was wondering which is better for streaming and which is going to be better for the time to come
  5. I

    Question RTX 2060 MSI Ventus OC is too loud

    I don't know if it's just the card or any underlying issues with my build, but my previous GTX 970 had none of the same issues while it would easily get over 80C during games. On Idle my GPU stays just below 30C but my fan speed is always at least 30%. If I boot up a game, within 5 minutes my PC...
  6. S

    [SOLVED] My CPU usage is spiking up and my GPU usage is sitting low in COD Warzone

    Hello I tried looking for threads that match my problem here ive came across close ones but nothing identical a few days ago i upgraded to an RTX 2060 SUPER and everything was flawless except for call of duty warzone it ocassionally kept crashing mid game and ive decided to track my cpu / gpu...
  7. N

    [SOLVED] upgrade 1060 6gb to rtx 2060/rx 5600 xt

    I have i7 4790k oc to 4.1ghz pairing with 1060 6gb, for most title the computer is running well for 1080p60fps gaming. Is it worth to upgrade my gtx 1060 to either rtx2060/rx 5600 xt so I can get more than 144fps for most title since I'm running on 1080p144hz monitor that can be oc to 165hz. is...
  8. I

    [SOLVED] PC randomly restarted, GPU no longer works

    Playing Division 2 this morning when my PC suddenly hard reboots. Instant black screen, shut offs, then starts up. But when it rebooted, I no longer had a display. Just black screens. I then forced a shutdown, unplugged power, re-plugged, rebooted, still no display. I swapped out my RTX 2060 for...
  9. J

    [SOLVED] RX 5700 vs RTX 2060 with i5 6600K

    Hi, I currently have an i5 6600K and an AMD R9 390X. I am thinking of upgrading to either the RX 5700 or the RTX 2060. The games I play are PUBG, GTA V, RDR2, CoD MW (2019) and a few others - what would be my best bet here? I can get both for the same price so that's not the issue. I've seen...
  10. B

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 and an i7 4770K?

    I just upgraded from a GTX 970 to the RTX 2060 as a future proof GPU. I have read mixed reviews as to how the 2060 will perform with a i7 4770K. I play at 1080p, 144hz, and have 16gb ram at 1600 mhz or ghz or whatever it is haha. And my top games are CSGO, Overwatch, PUBG, Rocket League. Im...
  11. W

    [SOLVED] Upgraded PC but doesn't perform as it should

    Hi, I've upgraded my pc lately, I was expecting super much FPS and it didn't give me as much as it should. I play Fortnite mainly and I get 130 average whilst I wanted it to get to get consistent 200-240 fps for my monitor. I saw a video on youtube with almost the same specs, and he did...
  12. Onion_Man24

    [SOLVED] Low FPS than other RTX2060

    hello I have a 2060 rtx 6g for 1 year and sometimes in some games my FPS are less than normal even with the same configuration recommended. For example Doom Eternal, I would assume to be at 100 fps in ultra nigthmare and I am in 60 or 40 fps in ultra. other games do, and others don't. Do someone...
  13. G

    [SOLVED] I need help on choosing a PSU

    Hey there, I'm planning on building a PC, here are the specs -Ryzen 5 3600 -B450M Steel Legend -RTX2060 Ventus XS -2x8GB PC25600 RAM -Deepcool Gammaxx GT RGB CPU Cooler -2x Deepcool RF RGB fan -Deepcool Matrexx 30 case -5.4K RPM HDD and a M.2 NVME SSD I'm confused on choosing a PSU, The best one...
  14. MariosZiuJunior

    Question CPU 100% GPU 30% LOW FPS PLEASE HELP

    Right so i bought this new gaming laptop from Asus and it is really giving me a hard time with FPS mostly in fortnite. My CPU goes to about 90%-100% but my GPU usage is always under 35%. I don't know what to do i tried reinstalling the drivers clean i tried changing the control panel settings i...
  15. D

    [SOLVED] Asus Strix 2060 OC or Gigabyte or Gigabyte 2060 Super Gaming OC?

    Hi, i can't decide between these two GPUs, I'm building a nearly 2000USD video editing pc with 3900x, but I don't really want to play only with maxed out GTA V and GTA VI in the future, also I want futureproof card. The Strix is 430USD the Gigabyte is 460-480. Or any other suggestions? I'd also...
  16. C

    [SOLVED] Good GPU pair for i5 9600k

    So, I have recently upgraded basically my entire PC. Old PC was 8 GB ddr3 1600 memory, i5 3470, 1050ti, and no SSD. I upgraded to i5 9600k, 16 GB ddr4 3000 mhz, NVME SSD drive, and kept the 1050 ti. I've concluded for myself that the 1050 ti SEVERELY holds back the i5 9600k of maximum...
  17. fallak_

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 super compatibility:

    I am looking to swap my GTX1060 for a RTX 2060 super but I needed to know if it is compatible with my motherboard. My specs are: Ryzen 5 2600, Mother GA ax370 gaming and 16 Gb Ram 2800Mhz The motherboard is this one: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-AX370-Gaming-rev-1x/sp#sp
  18. L

    [SOLVED] RTX 2060 Super - MSI vs Evga vs Gigabyte

    Hi. Wich is the best assembler for the RTX 2060 Super? I have only 3 options, all have the same price: MSI RTX 2060 Super Gaming X Evga RTX 2060 Super XC Ultra Gigabyte RTX 2060 Super Gaming OC Only for the temperatures, I think that the MSI GPU is the best option: MSI RTX 2060 Super Gaming...
  19. S

    [SOLVED] Black Screen Crash When Launching Game, Fans At 100%

    Hello, I bought a Dell G5 gaming computer about 2-3 weeks ago and have been using it with no issues until last night. I was playing a game (Sekiro) when suddenly the monitor went into black screen (i.e. power-saving mode) and the fans turned on 100%. The only thing I could do at this point was...
  20. A

    Question Mobo damaging PSUs. One already died. I'm hopeless at this point

    About a year ago I bought a CM 80+ Gold PSU and it worked well for a few months. Then the wiring noises started and honestly they are loud and scary. I have sent the PSU back together with the GPU (because there was loud coil whine from it as well) and borrowed a PSU that 100% worked from a...
  21. Xanders-

    [SOLVED] Best CPU for RTX 2060 (Mostly gaming & Streaming + little productivity adobe)

    I just find best cpu can i get for my rtx 2060? Any recommendation?
  22. Mazhar Malim

    [SOLVED] Should i upgrade the GTX 1060 6GB

    My PC is a little on the older side, it has an i7 4790k at 4.5ghz oc all cores, 16 gigs of ram coupled with the 1060. Is it worth upgrading to newer offerings like the rx 5600 xt or rtx 2060?? (Both cards are priced almost similar to each other in my country) I am not sure about a full system...
  23. N

    Question Graphics card is making buzzing noise

    I bought my RTX 2060 a week ago.And when i am browsing on the web or when it is on idle it it fine.but when i open games and i start playing them the graphics card makes grinding or vibrating sound ,it is like the blades are hitting the plate or something.AND when i just touch it with my finger...
  24. B

    [SOLVED] Need help deciding on which gpu i should pick

    Hello everyone i have a some questions about then next gpu i should buy and if its compatible with my rig. I'm deciding if i should go with this gpu (ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2060 Super OC ) or if i should save up more money and buy this gpu (ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2070 Super OC). 1-Is it worth it for...
  25. L

    Question Lenovo Legion Y740 - Lagging/slow mode problem

    Hello. I have a really weird problem and I am hopeless. Laptop: Lenovo Legion Y740 – 17inch, rtx 2060, i-7-8750H, (G-sync, 144hz, HDR) Speccy - https://prnt.sc/r2jxgg I have had this laptop for over 4 months now. I started noticing this problem like two months ago and to this day I am not sure...
  26. awehbe96

    [SOLVED] Does changing the settings in Nvidia control panel for best performance affect my in game graphics ?

    I have an RTX 2060 6 Gb. i saw a video recently about optimizing nvidia control panel settings for fps boost and performance , i did like the video and i saw a huge difference but i couldnt tell if the grahpics changed ! anyone has an idea if the graphics in other games changes with these...
  27. JMGonzo

    [SOLVED] MOBO/Graphics card issue

    So this is my first post on here and I could really use some help! I recently built my first PC and I think I may be having a MOBO issue. First a few of the main specs: msi b450 tomahawk (not the max), Ryzen 5 2600, msi RTX 2060, trident g skill neo 16GB 3600, powered by a Corsair RM850x with an...
  28. Gabriel_gg

    Question Rtx 2070 super

    I'm gonna buy a new gpu but i cant find any review of the models i have available in my country Zotac 2070 super twin fan Msi 2070 super vetus Wich one should i buy? Are they loud? Should i consider the msi 5700xt mech oc or a 2060 super evga?
  29. R

    [SOLVED] Rx 5600xt or Rtx 2060

    Currently, I am using a Ryzen 3 2200G with a RX 580. This upcoming month I plan to upgrade to a Ryzen 5 3600. As for my GPU I was looking at the new 5600xt (OC) and the price cut from nvidia I figured to go with these cards. Which one should I opt for? (I Use my PC for AutoCAD work and Gaming)...
  30. H


    Im about to build a new pc and i cant choose one of two build 1) Ryzen 3600 with GTX 1660 Super 16gb ram DDR4 3200 OR 2)Ryzen 2600x with rtx 2060 or(RX 5700) 16gb ram DDR4 3200 also i know that rx5700 is better then 2060 but its super hot, and is ok to play long hours on a 75+C or...
  31. Xanders-

    Question 2666MHz to 3200Mhz RYZEN BUILD

    I see ryzen needs faster ram speed. Ram speed makes cpu faster? This is my problem with ryzen 5 2600 RTX 2060 6GB B350 TOMAHAWK and 8X2 2666MHz Corsair Vengeance. I feels my game like 'not smoothly' so many fps drop. Like fps impact from cpu kinda make my gpu not working 100% . This is like my...
  32. X

    Question GPU is not performing as expected

    Recently I updated my graphics card, as old one was lacking in performance for the newer games. So I went ahead and upgraded my GTX 660 with RTX 2060. Initially I saw some improvement in some AAA titles , but the games like DOTA 2 that used to run in 60 fps constantly with my old gpu started...
  33. O

    [SOLVED] Does this £100 graphics card look like a scam?

    My friend is seriously considering buying this and I am almost certain it is a scam. https://www.gumtree.com/p/video-cards-sound-cards/fully-working-zotac-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-amp-6gb-gddr6-graphics-card/1362725124
  34. N

    Question Connecting power to video card killed pc?

    I just got a rtx 2060. I plug in the card and I forget to put a power connector to it. My monitor tells me to do so, I shut it all down and power down and plug in the power to it. now I get no power supply activity or mobo lights. The only reason I think it’s something simple is because when I...
  35. Jack12346

    Question ASUS FX505D "Power Throttled" brand new laptop, what to do

    Hi, I just bought an ASUS laptop yesterday. The model is ASUS TUF Gaming FX505D. Specs are RTX 2060, Ryzen 3750, 16 GB of RAM. I have another desktop which has a GTX 1060, 16 GB of RAM and an Intel i5-7400. I've tried only one game so far on both (DotA 2) and I was getting about 20-30 less FPS...
  36. saum_911

    Question Ryzen 5 2600+ 2060 vs Ryzen 5 3600+1660ti

    Ryzen 5 2600+ 2060 vs Ryzen 5 3600+1660ti, can't get best of both worlds due to budget constraints. As far as I think I should choose the 2060 with 2600 cuz their names match alot so they will be more compatible XD...jk but getting a better gpu should be the best idea...still, will i get like...
  37. MxzsyXII

    [SOLVED] Performance of single fan graphics cards? (EVGA RTX 2060 XC)

    I've been planning a GPU upgrade for my build, currently using an RX 470 4GB and it isn't powerful enough. I want to play at 1440p hence the upgrade, but dont want to spend too much. I'm set on getting an RTX 2060 (heard the RX 5700 giving people problems so I'm staying away). I want to get the...
  38. Haggy321

    Question Upgraded from a 1060 to 2060 no display and no USB.

    So I installed a 2060 that I had as an early xmas present, I turned off the power unplugged it then held the power button for 5 seconds, plugged it in with the 8 pin power connector and it all powers on and the fans spin at 100% but there is no display on either of my monitors, one is display...
  39. S

    [SOLVED] R5 1600 with 2060S or Radeon 5700

    Hello, So Im confused between two GPUS for my PC. Note: I will game in 1080p 60hz, maybe even 144hz. I just want to get the full performance out of the GPU using my CPU. Which gpu is better for me, and will not have a bottleneck while still getting highest FPS. I have 16 gigs of ram trident Z...
  40. K

    Question GPU running at 95% causing performance loss

    I recently bought an RTX 2060 but it's performance awful, in low end games like rocket league I can barely reach 100fps before gpu maxes out. So I bought an RX 5700 for comparison and it runs amazing, 250 solid frames, great benchmarks results, and I'm happy with it, But what can cause the RTX...