
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with sff.
  1. S

    buyer detail by serial number

    hii i want to know that how i can get buyer's detail by his laptop's serial no.
  2. xRMPx311

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 seems sluggish

    I've been using this graphics card (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960) for several years now, and recently I've had some performance issues. Many games I've been playing seem to get less fps then they used to. Guild Wars 2 for example, I ran the game smoothly when it released, but now I struggle to get...
  3. N

    What can I put in an empty SSD slot? (besides SSDs)

    I've got this new case with a big clear window, and right in full view are three vertical SSD mounts. I've got an SSD for one slot, a Hue+ for another slot... but I currently have nothing to go in the third slot. I'd prefer not to leave it empty for aesthetic reasons. But I can't think of...
  4. R

    First time building a new pc need help

    Hello this my first time building my own pc here are the specs for the build Motherboard -Asus Strix X99 Socket LGA2011-v3 Processor-Intel Core i7 6800K - LGA2011v3 Broadwell-E Socket Processor (15M Cache, 3.4Ghz up to 3.60 GHz, 6 Core, 12 Threads, 140W) PSU 650watt Corsair Ram-Corsair...
  5. T

    what upgrades are possible for this laptop?

    hey what upgrades are possible for this laptop? HP Pavilion 15-n221so, can i upgrade cpu? the cpu is super slow but everything else is alright
  6. P

    GTX 980 SC good enough for 1440p?

    Hello, I've been thinking of buying a new monitor and I was wondering if my gtx 980 will be able to handle it. I play lots of games most of which are very demanding. Do you guys think i should go ahead and upgrade the monitor or do you think that the card can't handle it?
  7. K

    Installed 1070 performance decreased??

    I just installed a GTX 1070 and my frames on games is worse Specs: GPU: 1070 *old card is a gtx 960* CPU: i5 4690k PSU: 650w Ram: 8gb kingston I installed the drivers and used GeForce experience also
  8. D

    OK to attach a RAID 1 hard drive to a computer with USB interface?

    Hello folks, To undelete a number of deleted files, I am planning to attach one of the RAID hard drives from my Synology DS214 to my laptop by using a USB interface. I am going to use Active Data Studio (ADS) for undeleting. Apperantly ADS can see LVM files. The recovered files will be...
  9. J

    will a8 7600 bottleneck rx 460/ gtx 1050

    please enlighten me. planning on getting a8 7600 apu now and thinking about getting either rx 460 or 1050 in the near future. im on a tight budget right now.
  10. J

    Help with SSD

    I just installed a new Corsair XT ssd. This is first time ever installing a new storage device so go easy on me. I've had my pc for around a year now running off of a 1 tb hdd with the os on it. But I desired more speed and more storage (and possibly to be used as a bootdrive) so i bought an...
  11. I

    [Black Screen] Next step?

    Introduction Good morning, this is my very first post on this forum so feel free to move the thread if it's under the wrong category. I am also fairly new to computer hardware so take that into account. Problem I have had my computer for three years now and briefly speaking, yesterday my...
  12. GTX 10000

    Dungeons and Dragons

    anyone want to play D&D over Skype or over hangout?Anyone knows how to find players that play? I am not talking about the D&D online but the pen and paper game?
  13. J

    Can I test if my PC boots without RAM?

    Hello everyone! I have recently finished building my first PC and I am eager to see if it works; however, My RAM did not come on time and I still have to wait another week for it to arrive. I have set up every single other component already and hooked everything up to the power supply. So my...
  14. V

    Need recommendations and advice for gaming computer build - 1400 CAD budget

    I am currently planning on building a computer for gaming purposes. I plan on playing World of Warcraft, League of Legends, BF4 and Farcry. Idealy i'd like to play the first 2 on maximum settings with 60+ Fps at all times, and the 2 latter with the best i can get from a budget of 1300-1400...
  15. T

    My Laptop wont Start after Shutdown but LED is ON.

    This happened days ago. I turned on my PC in the morning and Found out it didnt reponded. My battery is not removable so i just pinned the reset button. It turns on and when I shutted it down. The problem comes again. Sometimes it turns on but wont start the PC.

    Overheating Temperature @ 88*C NEED HELP!!!

    Hello. I have a AMD Athlon II X3 450 w/ Cooler Master Hyper TX3 & ASUS Radeon 6670. In the last 2 days my PC Case has been so HOT that I could not put my hand on it. My PC was shutting down at random and would not restart until it cooled down. Last night I deep cleaned my PC w/ Q-Tips and...
  17. mrmotion

    CAD/CAM/CMM Workstation build. Critique it.

    System will be used to run Solidworks, Surfcam, Mastercam, Camio(CMM software), Focus( Laser scanning CMM software(RAM intensive)) PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LBg7mG Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LBg7mG/by_merchant/ CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1650 V3...
  18. R

    I3-2120 DANGER Temps???

    Hey guys i want to know what temps that are damging for the cpu affects performance or lifetime THANKSSS SORRY if answered already I3-2120 INTEL CPU
  19. R

    Even after it all my computer still won't turn on (Help!)

    I recently had a power surge, and I replaced the powersupply and motherboard (same models so I won't have to re do drivers) and yet my computer still won't turn on, the devices plugged into the computer are on but no lights or fans will even budge or blink, I think I'm putting in my front panel...
  20. B

    motherbaord and GPU compatibility

    hello i have just purchased an MSI GTX 970 4GD5T OC (http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/msi-gtx-970-4gd5t-oc-graphics-card-a80th) and ASUS H81M-PLUS Intel Motherboard (http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/asus-h81m-plus-intel-motherboard-a28nk) i just really need to know if this graphics card is compatible with the...
  21. Y

    Which GPU is better

    There is a lot of mixed benchmarks around the internet but I just want your guys opinion. I just want to know if the R9 270X or the HD 7950 because I can get them both for about £90 which is around $120
  22. K

    First time building a computer and OCing.

    I might build a computer in the near future and want to overcIock it, but I don't usually have that much time to run stresstests for hours. What's a decently safe setting for overclocking my processor with my cooler? Here's the parts list http://pcpartpicker.com/p/JD2v99 Thanks in advance.
  23. F

    Screen Resolution problem

    Can't set any resolution on 1600x900 on my pc after that i installed win 10 i also downloaded nVIDIA.GeForce.Driver.341.81.win.10.R2.x64 but again it didn't work. plz help me here are mi sys info : System Information Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit (10.0, Build...
  24. H

    Will disabling Core C6 state affect sleep? AMD athlon 860K

    I disabled c6 state because I will get annoying coil whine from the motherboard (which msi said is normal). My question is, will leaving C6 disabled affect the system in sleep mode or will it just make the CPU use more power? Thanks in advance. Heres my specs MSi a68hm grenade AMD Athlon x4...
  25. M

    Is it posible i can upgrade my powersuply?

    is it posilble to upgrade a dell OptiPlex 960 towers power supply?
  26. H

    Question about GTX 750 PCIE 6 Connector

    Hi everyone, until today I was using 1 connection to GTX 750's PCIE 6 Connector: Now, my question is, should I remove this connection, should I connect another one, or should I keep it like that? Thanks.
  27. S

    1440p Gaming PC Build (Need Help)

    Hello, I am trying to build this system: GPU : Gigabyte GTX 980 CPU : i5-4690k or Intel Xeon E3-1231v3 CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo RAM: HyperX Beast 16 GB 2400 Motherboard: Asus Z97-A PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2 SSD...
  28. Oniel100

    where can i get a good and cheap amd processor am3 socket or am3+ between 10-35

    im on an extreme budget right now and i already have a nvidia gtx 650 so all i need now is the ram and processor. my motherboard is a AS rock 880G Pro3
  29. G

    What ram should i buy?

    I got an Intel Core i7-4790K and i want to know what ram i should buy and what speed it supports
  30. D

    Amd 760k vs Pentium G2358

    Will i be down grading if i replace my 760k with a g2358?
  31. S

    i connect laptop to lcd via hdmi port but display on lcd NO SIGNAL found what is the reason

    i connect laptop to lcd via hdmi port but display on lcd NO SIGNAL found what is the reason
  32. V

    The CPU and GPU Debate

    i have a laptop with a intel core i7-2630qm and nvidia gt 525m and a really old desktop computer that has gone through some upgrades so right now it has intel core 2 (im not sure if its a duo or not because it doesnt say intel core 2 duo) and a nvidia gtx 750. my laptop can run games like...
  33. H

    AMD Radeon HD 8850m to AMD Radeon R9 M265X?

    So after updating my AMD drivers, something seemed to go wrong as I encountered an issue which I had a couple months back where my computer did not recognise the AMD drivers. Despite this, I thought I fixed the issue when I just used AMD autodetect tool to download and install the drivers. Well...
  34. ZeusGamer

    Problems about my H100i?

    Hey guys, I know that I've installed everything correctly according to the manufacturerrs' manual, but is it okay for my stock clocked 4770k to be idling around 39C to 43C? On YouTube, I've seen people idle around about 20C to 30C. I'm just kind of worried.
  35. L

    ?will this psu fit my pc?

    will my pc http://us.gateway.com/gw/en/US/content/model/DT.GEDAA.002 be able to fit this? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139050 heres the inside...
  36. S

    gtx 780 and 500w psu

    will an i5 4440 with a 500w or 550w psu run a gtx 780 ? I did a calculator and it says it came to 470w...? oh also a 500gb SSHDD with 2x4 gb corsair 1600mhz ram. This is the psu I have I think http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?sbk=1&nav=SEARCH&itemId=190973671928