Hi, so I am planning on building a new computer for gaming and 3d work (zbrush, maya, substance painter, unreal engine 5), I am in doubt between a 10400f + 3080 + 64gb ram vs a 13400f + 3080 + 32gb ram, both ddr4, plus the 10400f will have a 2tb m.2 and the 13400f only a 1tb sata ssd, these are the only options so far since I don't have many options where I live, which would be better? more ram or more cpu cores? one thing I must remember is there I cant upgrade the ram later on the 13400f since it only has 2 ram slots on the mobo, and I would have to rebuy 2 more ram or another mobo, which is not possible for me now, so for 3d work mostly which would be better? people recommend minimum 32gb ram for ue5 but I am planning on building high detailed graphics and maps, don't know if I will be held back by cpu or ram, I don't care about longer render times as long the interface is smooth, so any help in me deciding which to get will be highly appreciated.