Question 2-Bay NAS - Setup Question


May 17, 2009
I have a NAS on my network here at home, not RAID though, instead JBOD and one drive is for movies... works for my setup perfectly.

Started a new job and they're pretty new as well, took over for an accountant that refused to go digital for most stuff, and just piles of papers all over. Small 3 people staff and a literal pail of USB sticks being passed around for file sharing. Sadly, they already tossed the old PCs before I showed up so can't turn one into a share drive.

So, was thinking 2-bay NAS may work. Would just need to be a simple 2x2TB setup, and I am hoping we can set it up such that 1 drive is the share, and the other drive is a mirror copy but hoping not instantly backing up. Hoping a way to make it so that maybe once every weekend it backs up the primary drive. This way, if someone deletes or saves over a file, we can access the Secondary and pull it off from there.

Other option is a 1-bay and manual backups to an external, but, hoping to get a simple 2-bay NAS that just does it for us.

Can that be done? How?

I know of RAID, a little... what I don't want is a setup where the 2 drives appear as one and the data exists in part on both and if you replace one drive the other rebuilds the data... sounds good, but saw a lot of forum posts when I got mine about how if the NAS dies the drives are encrypted to it and can't get the data off, or the rebuild fails, etc... rather just 2 drives with a mirrored copy.

Any suggestions? Recommended hardware?

I have a WD MyCloudEX2 Ultra... been running 5yrs perfectly, after I 3D printed a new top with an 80mm fan in it. Good unit, but don't think made anymore.