
Feb 3, 2012
Does anyone have any opinion on this. Does the 2550K really offer more room for overclocking because it has no graphics core?


Oct 16, 2011
Theorhetically yes there's more room for overclocking simply because you're not generating extra heat from the iGPU core. In practice though I would doubt it. If you have a discrete card, which is the only reason to be interested in a 2550K in the first place, then the amount of extra heat generted by the integrated graphics core is probably just about nil and will make little to no impact for the average overclocker.


neon neophyte

the 2550k shoudl run a little cooler, as for havng more headroom its hard to imagine it really having that much more when you can take a 2500k to 5ghz+

how much more headroom do you want? lol


Feb 6, 2012
I don't have links but I researched this when I bought my 2500k and my conclusion was that for my overclocking needs, it would be pointless vs. the advantages I would lose. Since I wasn't going for a world record overclock, rather I wanted a stable 4.5 on air (either will do just fine). "Really the Intel® Core™ i5-2550K is there to help us meet demand for the Intel Core i5-2500K. In the enthusiast space the Intel Core i5-2500K is by far our best selling processor. Even at a company like they have had days where they have run out of stock. We have heard from a number of performance users how they don't need the IGP (Integrated Graphics on Processor) so this allowed us to release this processor.

Christian Wood
Intel Enthusiast Team" from

The 2500 and its integrated graphics will allow you faster vid conversion, and best of all, you still have a screen to look at if you ever have trouble from your video card.

I also use it to run a 3rd monitor. 1 in the iGPU and 2 in the 560Ti.

overclocking records:

"Christian Wood
Intel Enthusiast Team"

you do know that he has nothing to do with intel. he is self appointed... he is just an intel fanboy, all be it educated about everything intel. but does not represent them in any official capacity... as far as i can tell... there is a twitter account but no listing public or otherwise of his intel employment past or present.

im not having a go at the guy, just pointing out that you should not take his intel enthusiast team sig as anything other than what it is, a sig.


You like me, you really like me. Can you do without the IGP? Fine go with the Intel® Core™ i5-2550K. Can you see some use for the IGP? Go with the Intel Core i5-2500K. Personally I would go with a processor that has an IGP, but that is just me.

Christian Wood
Intel Enthusiast Team

No, I really do work for Intel®. My official job is Social media Rep. to the Enthusiast Space.

Christian Wood
Intel Enthusiast Team