Question 2nd graphics card not showing in bios/crossfire ?

Nov 10, 2020
Recently after a standard shut down for a night, I turned my computer back on to have it boot into windows normally.

After about 5 minutes the monitors flashed for a moment and the 2nd GPU wasn't seen in MSI afterburner. Checking in the BIOS it said my first GPU was running at 16x and the 2nd wasn't even detected.
I brought it into a local computer repair place and after a day they found it to be a windows update. After a roll back and blocking the update from being installed it worked fine again.

2 weeks later it happened again, but they can't figure out what the cause of it is.

Things that I know were done, each card was tested individually in each PCI-e slot and everything came back perfect.
When the 2nd card is plugged in only the first slot is detected and works.
BIOS was reinstalled and CMOS was cleared.
ULPS was disabled (which is what gets the 2nd card to be detected to begin with from when I installed them)
Discrete graphics was disabled.
Crossfire is built into the motherboard.

MOBO - ASUS z-97-a/usb 3.1
RAM - 32 gb
CPU - i7 4790k
PSU - RX 1000 ae
OS - Win 10 Pro 64-bit
GPU - 2x XFX AMD RX 580 8gb