[SOLVED] 3070 Performance Issues?


Feb 15, 2020
I finally got my hands on a 3070 Founders Edition today. I removed my old GPU (a 1660 Super), put in the 3070, and went to test its performance. However, I've found that the performance is barely better, if better at all. I don't have many intensive games installed yet, but so far I've tested the following:
  • CS:GO: FPS Benchmark map, I only receive ~350 fps compared to previously ~310 with the 1660S.
  • Raft: About the same, if not a bit less
  • Division 2: Didn't test 1660S, but ran benchmark at 1080p max settings and got 107fps, with 92% GPU and 64% CPU. Videos I found online got around 125 fps.
  • Currently installing RDR2 and hope to get a benchmark on that soon.
  • My UserBenchmark results: https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/38163656. As you can see, my GPU is performing below average.
All my Nvidia drivers are fully up to date, with the latest driver from January 7 installed. I haven't fully uninstalled/reinstalled my drivers with DDU or my bios, but I want to see if there are any other options before I do those
I'm not sure if this is important, but I have a Tomahawk B450M and only a 3.0 PCIe 16.0x, and a Corsair RMx 550W PSU. Full specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3rq6K3
What can I do to fix this issue or determine the cause? Thanks.

TL;DR Performance with 3070 is barely if any better than previous 1660 Super, when it should be nearly twice as good.
Thanks. In the video, he mentions that DDU recommends uninstalling using Windows. Should I try to do that first? I don't want to accidentally mess up my computer or my files.
it should be safe to use, but i can't really say that with confidence as I'm having an issue currently. After I upgraded to my 3080 and used ddu, randomly once every day or so my computer goes black screen for 20ish seconds and then my system comes back online, so I'm about to wipe all my drives and do a fresh install of windows with fresh drivers for all my hardware. So, if you want to do it confidently and know what you are downloading into your hardware, I'd probably opt for a fresh install.
Put those local game saves on the cloud and make a list of...
... I haven't fully uninstalled/reinstalled my drivers with DDU or my bios, but I want to see if there are any other options before I do those...

Uninstalling and re-installing drivers should be the first step when replacing a GPU.
The drivers in your system were configured to work with the 1660S...not the 3070
Which monitor do you have?

By the way CS:GO is a CPU-bound game...more so at 1080P....so upgrading to a faster GPU won't give pretty much any advantage.
Uninstalling and re-installing drivers should be the first step when replacing a GPU.
The drivers in your system were configured to work with the 1660S...not the 3070
Which monitor do you have?

By the way CS:GO is a CPU-bound game...more so at 1080P....so upgrading to a faster GPU won't give pretty much any advantage.
Thanks. How do I uninstall and reinstall the drivers?
I have a 1440p 144Hz Dell monitor.

I wasn't looking for a large gain in CS:GO, but more so that I would be able to run games like CyberPunk and RDR2 at acceptable framerates. Thanks.
Thanks. In the video, he mentions that DDU recommends uninstalling using Windows. Should I try to do that first? I don't want to accidentally mess up my computer or my files.
it should be safe to use, but i can't really say that with confidence as I'm having an issue currently. After I upgraded to my 3080 and used ddu, randomly once every day or so my computer goes black screen for 20ish seconds and then my system comes back online, so I'm about to wipe all my drives and do a fresh install of windows with fresh drivers for all my hardware. So, if you want to do it confidently and know what you are downloading into your hardware, I'd probably opt for a fresh install.
Put those local game saves on the cloud and make a list of stuff you wanna redownload, easy day.
it should be safe to use, but i can't really say that with confidence as I'm having an issue currently. After I upgraded to my 3080 and used ddu, randomly once every day or so my computer goes black screen for 20ish seconds and then my system comes back online, so I'm about to wipe all my drives and do a fresh install of windows with fresh drivers for all my hardware. So, if you want to do it confidently and know what you are downloading into your hardware, I'd probably opt for a fresh install.
Put those local game saves on the cloud and make a list of stuff you wanna redownload, easy day.
Alright, thanks.