First you have to decide what you are going to do with the machine. Then you need to take some time and read some articles to determine what is available today and is its value relative to cost. Next you need to find out what is coming up shortly, how much better it is, how much it costs relative to what is available now, and what is a realistic (or as realistic as you can get) date for it's release. As I said earlier, it may cost an extra 500-1000 for almost no gain in processing power. You have things in your wish list that will have no impact. The 1200Watt PSU is one example, the DDR3 is another, the NIC is a third, the exorbitant cost of the CPU that you won't be taking advantage of is another. Now if someone is throwing money at you that you have to spend or loose then start a thread with that as the subject and let the people here go wild. They will, after a little battling, get you the best bang for your buck. If you however can hold some mony over for new parts e.g., VGA then let them know. The problem is that your initial build is so far off the mark that any advice that you get just isn't enough. Let's try now, answer these questions:
1. Budget - $3,500.00 more? or is less important at all.
2. Use - Gaming only or ....
3. Cash - Use it or loose it? Or, you have some for near future upgrades to the CPU and VGA etc.
4. Do you need a monitor/display? What are you using now? If you have 3.5 - 4K to burn a nice display is a must.