[citation][nom]lljones[/nom]So, is anybody starting to sweat a little?Well, the comment was meant to be lighthearted but I see that I have offended many people. So let me continue. To all those who thumbed me down, I beseech you to please all get together and write down your divine moral code so that we may all bask in the absolute purity that is you. You buy all of your software, well fantastic for you. Would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on? I am sure that you follow all other rules to the letter as well, never ever have you sped or driven even after a single drink, you all declare extra income from having sold something no matter what the dollar value or in anyway ever done anything against any law as by your attitudes from your postings, you are as pure as newly fallen snow.Again for the sake of all humanity, tell how you became so enlightened and just. If there is some reason you can't tell us, then may we bask in the glow that must emanate from your very body. Your mere words scribed onto the lowliest of of parchment would in a heartbeat become more holy than any teachings written by anyone. The Analects, The Koran, The Old and New Testament, and The Talmud would all be proven to be false as you people are the Truth.So perfect that we can lo longer consider you even human, You have become Deity's or even Demigods. Ah, what views you must enjoy from up there. It is indeed a bitter realization that I, a mere flawed mortal, will never be able to attain your majesty. I shall however somehow manage to deal with this bane, maybe by accepting that some people are just born superior. It will be difficult, but I will try. This is a double post[/citation]
ad hominem