$270 for GTX 560 Ti is a rip off. GTX 660 Ti at least 45% faster. Return it asap!



Aug 23, 2012
So last week I put together a new build with a 560ti for my GPU.  Paid $270 for it and I'm highly satisfied so far. Been able to run all my games on at least high settings with 60fps.

Now today I see today that Microcenter is offering a deal...660ti and a copy of Boarderlands  2 for $320.

I'm still in the 10 day full refund policy period.  

The way I look at it is my card + Boarderlands = $330...which would mean I'm saving myself a whole 10 bucks if I do take advantage of the deal.

 So my question is...is the 660ti THAT much better than my 560ti that I should be running back to Microcenter to take advantage of this?


$ 270 for 560 and u purchased that one week earlier. U could have posted about that offer here before purchasing. Salvage the situation and purchase the 660.
I'd rather return the 560 TI and get a Radeon 7850, overclock it, and buy Borderlands 2 separately. That'd be about the same price as a 660 TI and much more consistent performance due to the better memory bandwidth. The 660 TI sucks at AA performance and has crap minimum FPS that are masked in average FPS by its over-inflated maximums.

Also, as others have said, $270 is more than a 560 TI is worth. Not even the GTX 560 TI 2GB or the GTX 560 TI 448 core 1.25GB is worth that much.

Do a little research yourself. The 660 TI has a GK104 with the same core config as in the 670 and a memory bus like a GTX 550 TI. IT is extremely unbalanced. A card with a weaker GPU but greater memroy bandwidth can beat it with ease. Look at the 660 TI's minimum frame rates. They're crap. That it has high averages is because of its GPU getting huge maximums. High averages, but low minimums, (huge maximums) is crap compared to decent minimums and decent averages.

Regardless, the 660 TI can't overclock much at all and the 7850 can be pushed farther than a stock 660 TI, especially in the minimum frame rates. The 660 TI comes up short compared to a well-overclocked 7850. The 7870 can go considerably farther than the 7850 (enough to be worth the price premium, unlike the 7950 and the 7970 where the 7950 is about equal to the 7970 when both are overclocked) and get a significant win over the 660 TI. The 7950 can have a huge win over the 660 TI when overclocked, but if buying Borderlands 2, that's also more expensive than a 660 TI, hence the 7850 and 7870 talk.

Throw some decent AA into the equation with OC versus OC and the 660 TI doesn't just come up short, it falls apart in comparison. An unbalanced card is worse than a balanced, lower end card in far too many ways. Would you want to play without AA just because the card can't handle it as well? Heck, with the 660 TI's huge memory bandwidth bottle-neck, it might even have more stutter problems in addition to its poor minimums.

The 7850 is the better card (and does have higher minimums in most games) when given a good GPU and memory overclock. That's also counting 1080p, not just higher resolutions.
The 660 Ti has poor minimum frame rates and can't handle good AA and tessellation well. Also, the 7850 can easily beat the 580 with a good overclock. Heck, with some good AA and tessellation, even the 580 would probably beat the 660 Ti. The guy from your link didn't even overvolt his 7850 and has a low memory frequency.

Thing is, you're trying to compare well overclocked HD 7850 vs stock GTX 660 ti. You know, GTX 660 Ti overclocks well too :).

No, I'm not. The 660 TI simply doesn't overclock well at all. It's one of the worst cards for overclocking in quite a while. I have no trouble comparing an overclocked 660 TI to an overclocked 7850. The 7850 would be the better overall card, especially with AA, tessellation, and such set up high enough to justify its performance.