So. This has started up again after recently stopping.
So in the past I've had black screens at 144HZ with my 5700XT. That was sort of solved by buying a display port cable over a HDMI. However, at absolute random, League Of Legends (load screen only) would cause the PC to restart. Nothing in the event viewer other than fatal hardware error.
I updated my BIOS today, as that was apparently a fix. Tried with previous drivers and the latest drivers for the GPU and now all of a sudden at least 5-6 times a game, the game will absolutely crash and cause a windows pop up saying my GPU is restarting.
I'm also just sick to death of AMD GPU's and when I can eventually get a 3080 I will, but I need a fix for this asap.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Ryzen 5800x
Gigabyte 5700xt
64GB Patriot Viper 4600MHZ (running at 3400Mhz)
Corsair 750W power supply
Sabrent 2TB NVME drive
B550F Wifi Motherboard
Steelseries mouse + keyboard
Acer 34 inch 144HZ monitor
So in the past I've had black screens at 144HZ with my 5700XT. That was sort of solved by buying a display port cable over a HDMI. However, at absolute random, League Of Legends (load screen only) would cause the PC to restart. Nothing in the event viewer other than fatal hardware error.
I updated my BIOS today, as that was apparently a fix. Tried with previous drivers and the latest drivers for the GPU and now all of a sudden at least 5-6 times a game, the game will absolutely crash and cause a windows pop up saying my GPU is restarting.
I'm also just sick to death of AMD GPU's and when I can eventually get a 3080 I will, but I need a fix for this asap.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Ryzen 5800x
Gigabyte 5700xt
64GB Patriot Viper 4600MHZ (running at 3400Mhz)
Corsair 750W power supply
Sabrent 2TB NVME drive
B550F Wifi Motherboard
Steelseries mouse + keyboard
Acer 34 inch 144HZ monitor