A peek @ intel's savior


Oct 25, 2004
<A HREF="http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44714" target="_new">http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44714</A>
Looks like intel is finally getting their act together. This sxs112 guy is probably some nobody whos lying about the whole thing so who knows eh spuddy😛
<b>OMG, is that a dothan at 3+Ghz?</b> Holy crap!

You said it all. Ladies and gentlemen, we're looking at Intel's savior right there. 21W @ 2.1Ghz, capable of much more. Voltage for 3.1Ghz: 1.4V only. I wonder what that thing is capable of if on a high-grade cooler like a Thermalright XP90 or XP120?

Come on, Intel, forget prescott! Get dothan and yonah to LGA775 and the absurdly powerful cooling that cooling companies have developed will help dothan reach 3Ghz. Plus, consider this: <b>there is no electrical problem</b> in making dothan reach 3Ghz! That is most impressive.
This would be great, put some pressure on AMD, maybe they'll lower the price a bit more on the lower-end S939 CPU's. I wander how much those Dothan 2.0Ghz's would cost for the desktop, I just hope Intel doesn't decide to be extreme asses and lock the FSB overclocking and multiplier.
The most annoying thing is that there is nothing technically stopping them from releasing dothans for LGA775. I mean, the damned things come not in socket 478, like old P4s, but in socket 47<b>9</b>, which strongly suggests that there's just some silly extra pin, like with opteron (s940) and s939.

So why not? The reasons are probably political. And marketing. That's all. :frown:
I just want to know if Intel's actually going to convert the desktop so it's usable for high-end desktop cpu market. Please make it for socket775. Then AMD actually has some competition in the gamers market.
This kind of overclockers are often satisfied very low level stability. If it doesn't crash right after bootup, and can run few benchies, then it's okay for them. A dude who broke 30k in 3DMark 2001, used oc'ed 3.0 GHz A64 FX51. But we won't see 130nm 3 GHz A64, not even with strained sillicon.

Think about 35W mobile AXPs. 35W versions run at 1.8 GHz, but their 75W desktop brothers offer no more than 2.2 GHz.

<A HREF="http://www.foood.net" target="_new">FOOOD's Icons</A>

<A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86/myrig.html" target="_new">My Rig</A> & <A HREF="http://geocities.com/spitfire_x86/benchmark.html" target="_new">3DMark score</A>
How do you get Pentium M on a regular motherboard?

<A HREF="http://www.intelreviews.com" target="_new">Intelreviews.com</A>
Yea whats the board he is using?

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Murdering the A64 with 172FSB and single channel memory

There is another thread on XS with the dothan under LN2 @ 3.3Ghz benching.

sxs112 has been posting new stuff for some time now and his stuff is legit. AMD gets upset when he posted unreleased cores.

Yonah is dual core dothan .065nm and will be run on the Napa platform with dual channel ddr2 266

<A HREF="http://www.xtremesystems.org" target="_new">www.xtremesystems.org</A>
I still didn't see anything on intel's desktop roadmap indicating anything about the Dothan or the Yonah cores you speak of.

Are other manufactures going to follow Aopen's lead? Making S479 boards for desktop? With AGP slot?
You didn't hear about Aopen's new Pentium-M desktop Micro ATX board? Wow, where have you been, it's been out for weeks!

I guess the WHOLE FORUM missed that, because it hasn't been mentioned here. Elsewhere on the web, lots of talk.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Omg i want benchmark of that!
If intel dont bring dothan to desktop the mobo manifacturers will!

Signature (up to 200 characters). You may use <font color=blue><b>Markup</b></font color=blue> in your signature<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by coylter on 11/01/04 02:28 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
as much as i agree dothans are abetter choice then prescott, you are basing it on an overclock? if so then wouldnt you say 6ghz prescotts are itnel's savior? lol j/k

but seriously, its cool to see, but its as useful info as any overclocking records, to push the limits. i just think the jumping for joy is a little over the top, the same if you were doing that wiht the athlon fx oc records.

i really dont see how politics would keep intel from pushing dothan to the desktop.... if its such an overpowering performer... why would intel do this. i guess i just odnt understand thier plans lol
i really dont see how politics would keep intel from pushing dothan to the desktop.... if its such an overpowering performer... why would intel do this. i guess i just odnt understand thier plans
In my working experience, the larger the company, the more politics comes into play. Office politics can get as deep and nasty as anything you see in government. People working to stop initiatives/projects because they don't like the people pushing them, or because those people stood against them in the past.

There's also pride and arrogance of management or people who hold sway with management at different levels, which can create a horrible political situation, and often it's all really subtle and hard to recognize if you're caught up in it. I'm not saying any of these things are going on in Intel, but I've long suspected the powers behind IA64 of damaging X86 development. But that's purely speculation on my part.

I have to restate though, the bigger the organization I've worked at, the worse the effects of politics were. Although, I've also witnessed turning points or organizational ephiphanies when the higher ups figure out what's going on and take severe action to remedy it. That's the climax, people get fired, teams get broken up, people get shuffled around to shatter the political "cliques". It cleans it up for a while and the organization can get refocused.

<i>Nemo me impune lacesset</i>