OK - I am "somewhat" familar with a PC - have a p4/1gb/numerous drives, and a beloved lexmark x7170 which came with newsoft software and some fax software. I also use ringcentral for phone and fax.... Stage is set.
I dust off the wallet and purchase 7.0pro... I install - it forces me to uninstall 6.0 (which worked fine). I do so and get the dreaded error 20225 (ref adobe site for WIN/Acrobat). I follow their suggestions online - some 13 steps, including uninstalling every printer and software on the system... Still 20225 error (basically won't create the PDF printer). I tried unistalling 7.0 and going back to 6.0 - and still get the error...
When I chose to give up for a while and put the fax software back on - it too failed! both lexmark and ringcentral's. So I spend the next two days on the support waitlines...
I call adobe - they blame it on lexmark and them not unistalling completely. I call Lexmark - they blame it on XP not functioning correctly. I call Microsoft - they blame it on Adobe.
So I start "HiJacking" and didn't get anywhere. I have AVG (which I tried with it running and shutdown). I have Adaware and Ewido - no issues there...
Next, after waiting hours on the phone lines only to get fingers pionted at someone else... I find that there is a port (printers and fax, FILE, SERVER PROPERTIES, and under the PORTS tab, I find the darned Fax Lexmark 7100 port... try to delete and it errors - not supported...
Next I "look" around via regedit (I know I don't belong here)...
This is what I find...
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then under SOFTWARE & FaxMan7100SeriesPorts I find Fax Lexmark 7100 Series and under it, Application... The REG_SZ is a reference to Cro...lxbxFax.exe
HOWEVER this file and folder is no longer there (GONE).
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then under SYSTEM then under CurrentControlSet then under Control, then under Print, then under Monitors ... What I "think" is the culprit - under Fax Lexmark 7100 Series Port Resides the (defaul) REG_SZ (value not set), but below it is Driver REG_SZ LXBXPMON.DLL
Is this my problem with not being able to delete the Fax Lexmark 7100 port (the second entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and SYSTEM?
Can I simply delete this?
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I dust off the wallet and purchase 7.0pro... I install - it forces me to uninstall 6.0 (which worked fine). I do so and get the dreaded error 20225 (ref adobe site for WIN/Acrobat). I follow their suggestions online - some 13 steps, including uninstalling every printer and software on the system... Still 20225 error (basically won't create the PDF printer). I tried unistalling 7.0 and going back to 6.0 - and still get the error...
When I chose to give up for a while and put the fax software back on - it too failed! both lexmark and ringcentral's. So I spend the next two days on the support waitlines...
I call adobe - they blame it on lexmark and them not unistalling completely. I call Lexmark - they blame it on XP not functioning correctly. I call Microsoft - they blame it on Adobe.
So I start "HiJacking" and didn't get anywhere. I have AVG (which I tried with it running and shutdown). I have Adaware and Ewido - no issues there...
Next, after waiting hours on the phone lines only to get fingers pionted at someone else... I find that there is a port (printers and fax, FILE, SERVER PROPERTIES, and under the PORTS tab, I find the darned Fax Lexmark 7100 port... try to delete and it errors - not supported...
Next I "look" around via regedit (I know I don't belong here)...
This is what I find...
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then under SOFTWARE & FaxMan7100SeriesPorts I find Fax Lexmark 7100 Series and under it, Application... The REG_SZ is a reference to Cro...lxbxFax.exe
HOWEVER this file and folder is no longer there (GONE).
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then under SYSTEM then under CurrentControlSet then under Control, then under Print, then under Monitors ... What I "think" is the culprit - under Fax Lexmark 7100 Series Port Resides the (defaul) REG_SZ (value not set), but below it is Driver REG_SZ LXBXPMON.DLL
Is this my problem with not being able to delete the Fax Lexmark 7100 port (the second entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and SYSTEM?
Can I simply delete this?
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!