Question Advice on gaming laptop CPU temp?


Feb 2, 2015
Hello everyone,
I bought a gaming laptop 8 months ago, until that moment I'd always used desktop for gaming so I need your advices and opinions on CPU temp.
So I've noticed that my i7-8750h has turbo boost and it boosts the core frequency to 4.10 altough its base frequency is 2.20.But the problem is that whenever I play a video game its temperature jumps to 90 degrees and stays around it, when on load I can see it reaches 94-95. My CPU's dangerous limit is 100 degrees but I think this kind of temperature is still concerning. Also while gaming Intel Extreme Utility "Thermal Throttling" section always shows "Yes" which is also a problem, isn't it?
I've tried undervolting it by -0,150 V (Also it never goes to 4.10 seems like stuck on 4.00 ghz after I've done this) and it rarely reaches 90 degrees while gaming but an hour ago GTA V shutted itself probably due to the change I've made in voltages.
I don't think thermal paste has worn out in such a short time? I use Thermaltake cooler by the way, what would be your suggestions and advices on this?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe increase your fan speed in the BIOS.
Are all your CPUcores activated? Shutting some down might cause the other cores to work harder which might bring the temp up(most of the time the temperature sense the highest temperature).
Yes all of them are activated and working.
There's a software called Control Center on the PC I can increase the fan speed but don't seem to have much impact on the temp.
Some say that around 90 degrees is safe because this CPU's temperature limit is 100. But I'm still worried.
You said that you bought it 8 months ago right? Did this happens recently or has been happening for quite a while now? Thermal paste normally don't worn out that quick I'm pretty sure. 90 degree is perfectly safe. OK not "perfectly", it will start to worn out after a year. Make sure that your laptop is on a flat surface. You can also try to use a compressed can of air to blow dust out of the air vents.
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I think it's been like this since I bought this. Because 5-6 months ago I remember its temperature was around 90-95 while playing Squad.
Do you think using compressed can of air would work?