I did a complete cleaning on my components and stupidly ripped the CPU out of the socket with the fan. I had some bent pins which I carefully fixed and after everything got cleaned I reinserted my CPU. My PC started freezing/shutting down after playing some graphically intensive games randomly. I did many benchmark tests and my GPU seemed to be overheating. I took everything apart again to see if anything was loose (took out the CPU/fan without ripping it out this time). It looked fine, and when reinserting I put a little too much pressure and broke one of the retainer brackets for the CPU fan. When I booted my PC back up nothing seemed out of the ordinary even with the broken retainer clip. At this point, I had a random thought and said maybe it was software related so I decided to upgrade to Windows 11. During the upgrade, my CPU bluescreened and shut off shortly after. It has not recovered at all at this point and my MOBO displays a red light fault for the CPU. I took off the AM4 bracket to see if anything looks damaged. I found what looks to be some damage under the socket cover. I am hoping the MOBO needs to be replaced rather than the CPU due to pricing. I was wondering how significant this damage is and anyone's thoughts on how to proceed. Thank you!
CPU - Ryzen2700x
CPU - Ryzen2700x