Apple: A PC is No Bargain!

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[citation][nom]canadian87[/nom]How to upgrade Mac: Spend $3000 on a new MacHow to upgrade PC: Spend $280 on a CPU, $200 on a motherboard, $50 on ram, $300 on video card less than $900 and you've got a brand new PC take on a $150 charge for installation fees, and you still haven't broken $1000[/citation]
You forgot spending $150 on a powersupply. A good one of those is essential if you want want to upgrade or use highend components. So at least every second time you upgrade you'll have to replace it.
lol i just think most mac fan boys don't want to feel foolish for spending so much on a shiny box so they try to defend it with one liners and apple propaganda,most of us on this site could build systems that would defeacate all over the mac pros for a lot less than what crApple charges.
[citation][nom]rooseveltdon[/nom]i was going to keep quiet and watch but your idiotic response forced me to comment, first of all downloading an anti virus software is the easiest thing to do,it's 2009 moron even octogenarians know how to do that secondly spending an extra 1000 dollars for a mac with mediocre specs and a pretty GUI is just moronic especially when you consider downloading an anti virus program "geeky"....and secondly you are in no position to talk about bill gates,buying a mac would force me to pay too much for a system i could buy for half elsewhere and it would limit me to apple hardware and specs preventing me from upgrading like normal pc users,secondly their OS is not compatible with every software out there,whereas windows is and i would not be able to play games, if the best you can come up with to justify spending almost an extra 1000 dollars for mac is "well it soooo easy to use" then you are the only moron in this discussion.[/citation]

I guess buying the laptop i liked the best makes me a moron. If the $3000 price tag bothered me then i guess i would find a new career. It was one of the best purchases i have ever made.
Dear Jane,

Please do not insert your opinion an article. Otherwise it becomes a blog.

i.e. "(and pretty valid)"

When you do this, it makes you look like you have no college journalism classes under your belt.

Thank you.
~ The Readers
[citation][nom]devbloggs[/nom]If you know what your doing, you shouldnt need to spend a dime on anti-virus software or any "geek squad" sinkhole..[/citation]

I don't think it's fair to rip on "Geek Squad" for them providing a valuable service just because you don't use them. There are a lot of people who are computer ignorant and need assistance with their computers. I think your comment is rather rude/arrogant to assume the people who provide those services, who are trained and need to be paid for their time are not providing a valuable service to their customers. I'm in a service related industry (Heating&Cooling) and I occasionally come across customers with attitudes like this, and let me tell you, it isn't any fun to deal with.
If a customer wants to be a penny pincher, they can go to school and learn the trade, be tested and certified, and can do their own research if they want their products to work without paying for a service technician to fix their stuff.
[citation][nom]kgrach[/nom]PC = VirusIt not a question with a PC if you will get a virus but when your antivirus software is capable of detecting the beastie already roaming on your machine.PC's should never ever be connected to the internet they are just not safe.Macs are for people smart enought to know that PC's just suck.Yes linux is safer than windows but anything in Linux becomes a research project. becuase version x.xx is diferent from linux x.x and no two commands use the same syntax. need help type man no that commands needs info but it was not written yet so you need user but that got broken in the latest release so you need to use program y but just so you know distro k uses a diferent command structure than your distro.YOU FAIL!!!!!!Yes you need a hyper fast PC becuase 95% of the machines recources are used for windows.Most windows users are ignorant of what a real OS is like and don't know better. Try something like AOS4.1 and you will cry the next time you start windows.[/citation]
apple can stfu about "included software". for every piece of commercial software they include with OSX there are hundreds of open source projects for linux/pc that would be just as good.
[citation][nom]pile[/nom]I guess buying the laptop i liked the best makes me a moron. If the $3000 price tag bothered me then i guess i would find a new career. It was one of the best purchases i have ever made.[/citation]

hey pile was i talking to you? my response is to the person i was talking to. If you enjoy your mac then that's great it does not change anything i said the price to performance ratio is just not there for the mac you get ok hardware with an intel processor in a shiny box with an OS that limits you to hardware from a specific company and that prevents you from upgrading like every other regular user on top of that you have to pay a huge premium for it simply because someone on tv said it looked cool. If you liked it and you had the money to buy then that's good for you unfortunately it does not mean it was the smart thing to do...prestige does not always equal quality. you spent 3000 dollars on that mac and i could bet top dollar that my less than 2000 dollar laptop that i put together would make your mac vomit in shame so yeah....
[citation][nom]Maxor127[/nom]The article is right though. You get a lot more for your money with a Mac. I think anyone who buys a PC is a chump. If I were to get a laptop, I'd probably choose a Mac, otherwise if you want an affordable desktop computer, you're better off building your own because big name computers like Dell or HP are overpriced and filled with so much junk that you're better off buying a separate system disk to completely wipe it clean.[/citation]

I bought a Dell Studio Slim Desktop, and guess what? No junk except the Dell Dock which I have configured through MSCONFIG to not boot up. I wish I had the time to build my own PC but instead I had to buy one:

Core 2 Quad Q8300
640 GB HDD
Vista Premium 64-bit
Office 2007 Pro
= $740 at MicroCenter.

Add on a $50 2 year ESET Nod32 Anti-Virus subscription and I'm at $800. This thing is zippy man. I don't game, but edit photos, so I just downloaded GIMP. I use Windows Movie Maker to make videos too. Show me a comparable Mac now.
Wow, What a bunch of valid posts!!
"Apple sucks" "who needs geeksquad?" "I just build what I want so in your face Apple".
Looks like most of you if not all of you have had some pretty in depth experience with apple software and hardware. Oh but wait, I can see it now "why should I ever use anything apple? They Suck!!".

To each his own but the fact of the matter is that most of you are actually a minority in the pc world. Most people that buy pc's at BestBuy (or where ever) dont know what you know. And as such they DO require the services of services like the GeekSquad. I'm not saying that such services offer good service at resonable prices but I am saying that people DO pay alot for what they dont know.

Apple builds the hardware and software on all their boxes and devices, something that no other company can say. Is it the best software in world? Maybe, maybe not but it's no where close to the bloatware/passifyware that MS includes on it's OS.
Does a regular EU need the likes of Norton and McCafee? Yes. Because they dont know otherwise. Just go to a GeekSquad counter and ask them how many pc's are in for spyware/virus cleanup. These issues are something you can avoid by using Apple's OS.
I can go on and on but Apple contributes more to the industry that any other pc maker. They all just build generic boxes.
Quote: "Apple builds the hardware and software on all their boxes and devices, something that no other company can say. "

WTF are you smoking? Or atleast, who spiked the punch at the Apple fanboy convention?

Apple = steals from the open-source community, then they have their developers crap-up what was previously good software. They don't have expertise on their own software for this reason, they just copy and paste other people's code, hence the need to delete bug reports in their forums, because they can't ask the people who wrote the code to go fix it, and their people sure as f@^# can't understand the source code enough to fix it.

They can't even write good developer tools, any cross-platform Windows/OSX apps always, I repeat: ALWAYS, run faster on Windows, sometimes 2x or more. There are perhaps only about 5 people in the whole world who are truly good at programming on a Mac.
Steve Jobs look at what is running your company. Hope you have some say in your PR because I know you are smart enough to realize what you don't have. Maybe Apple should now just be for workstation computers and Ipods.
[citation][nom]keither5150[/nom]Wow! All of my photo and video editing needs are met with free programs that come with Vista home premium. I have been using AVG free edition virus protection for the past 7 years without incident. In fact all 71 PC's that I take care of at work use AVG free edition as well. I don't put anything on the Macs at work.Microsoft's reply should be laughter.[/citation]

YOU just admitted to piracy on a public forum!

Have you actually read the AVG EULA regarding the software licenced free edition and where you are allowed to use it? I'm sure Grisoft and the BSA would love to get a hold of your company!

The EULA makes specific mention of one personal license per machine. The OP makes mention that he cares for the machines, which does not indicate that he is installing the software, only that he perhaps overall monitors the machines.

If the individual users of said machines are installing AVG Free, they are in no way violating the EULA.
I can manipulate and tinker with my PC however I wish. I can tweak software and hardware to my will. There're games then, and loads of software. There're drivers updates with features and fixes. How much of that do you get with Mac? 0? Linux is there a free. Windows is fine too, if your hardware is fully functional.
I have two HPs myself and I have never spent the "Extra" that is referred to here. What about the average person that does NOT have video editing needs .. why does Apple assume (catch the term) that every user is in the need of video and audio editing software.
I spend the same amount on Mac software versions and PC (i.e. Adobe products etc) .. companies do not differ. Mac is Horrible with Microsoft 2008 .. emails programs are nothing like Outlook (entourage sucks) .. so why doesn't Apple create apps like this for the business people that are serious about computing? I can answer that .. they are aiming for the "elite" that just spend money for a "pretty" computer .. sorry .. this article is the least of convincing. 2800 is 2800 no matter that your argument is. Just as arvedui, I am enough of a computer users that I can take care of my own... Apple can take care of those that are not quite sure what to do with a computer...a real one.
The amount of hypocrisy going on in these comments is absolutely hilarious. I'm all about both windows and apple. they both are great in their own way and not only that, but they each come with their own set of fanboys. These comments are just as smug as all those smug apple comment on a website. Why can't we just appreciate each company for what they each do well?
Speaking as a recently ex Mac user, you get LESS value with the Mac. You have 10 identical programs for 90% of all the things you need software tools for... and ZERO software titles for the other 10% of the jobs you need done. This is deliberate by Apple and Mac developers because it is more "cool" to program the tenth free art program, than to program the first decent "Directory Opus" like File Manager.

Not to mention for 99% of the world, Windows support is free. Friends and family are always roped in to do it for free. While Apple "genius" staff are not always located anywhere close to where you live. Myself, I live 12 hours drive from Apples closest "genius".

Another thing that lessens the value of Macintoshes. You feel obligated to talk to narrow minded pompus Mac users who will shiv you in the back as soon as you question Apples direction.
The journalistic integrity of this post is a little unscrupulous. Then again, the whole debate of Macs vs. PCs is a little crazy.

Have we all, as a community on the internet, gotten to the point where we can no longer applaud our peers but instead bash them back and forth, spending hours trying to point out flaws and differences?
Personally I have built many computers, had PC laptops, and used a mac. I loved all the PCs I built, until Windows would corrupt, usually a memory dump, and I would just reinstall. I got reacquainted with mac after my PC laptop was upgraded to vista. When I saw how vista ran, slowly, I realized where Microsoft was going with their OSs. When you write code that is so system intensive that it has a system requirement of 2GB of ram, its apparent you have a problem. On my macbook, the OS itself runs on 250MB of ram, the rest is free for apps. So I dont need crazy hardware to get great performance because the OS is quality. I love AMD, and still building computers and I never once had a virus on a PC. Also any mac user who thinks you dont get a virus because its better is simply naive, as the real reason is a person with malicious intent wants to affect as many computers as possible and since windows is the majority then of course they get the viruses and worms. But all in all apple is no more evil than Microsoft, other than I feel Microsoft isnt as customer friendly, for example the hard to understand outsourced call centers, versus when I call Apple, which has been I think twice in 10 years, they are pleasant and are on the same continent as I am.
I am a web/graphic designer and I switched to Mac about 1 year ago and have to say there is not one thing I do that isn't easier/smoother/better on mac. My workflow is almost twice as quick.

Now that I've experienced mac I would find it very hard to go back. About 2 years ago I never would of thought this would be the case. Unless you've tried both it's hard to really understand the differences.

Obviously I don't play games.
labrooker- hmm interesting....would you care to explain why it makes it so much faster?

I have built websites as well and on both mac and pc (I'll admit not much on mac since I was borrowing it from a friend) but my point is that it doesnt take all that long anyways :-\
This is entertaining.

$$$ for geek squad? Screw that. Rollback to a later date, and if that doesn't work, I don't mind reformatting.

I don't even use a anti virus anymore. Windows 7 is wonderful, and the firewall/defender gets anything that I don't.

I don't pay for extras. I want hardware, nothing else.
I wanted a new video card, so what did I do? I just went and shelled only peanuts for a 4670.

My fathers laptop only cost him $1k CAD, and it is a beast for gaming.

Problems with mac: I know what I want in a computer, and you just don't offer me it hardware-wise. I want all hardware to be changeable. I want something that is more than eye-candy. I want a desktop, not a laptop. I want a desktop with all its power wasting and space consuming parts, to give me more power.
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