Asus Armory Crate Creating manual Silent mode

Jan Jankovic

Feb 10, 2015
Hi Guys

Ive got Asus TUF A17

In armory crate are default profiles: Silent - Performance - Turbo

Turbo and Performance are overclocking GPU and CPU which results in overheating but it is solved by boosting Fans.

I dont need to OC my GPU and CPU so I use Silent mode instead.
Temperatures are quite good and fan noise is very low.

I would like to create mode similar to Silend and boost those fans a little bit so the temperature will be lower with a little bit of noise.
There are settings I dont understand and I cannot find the silent mode settings anywhere.
Im simply looking for settings with zero overclock of GPU and CPU

The settings are (min /max):

SPL : 15/80 W
SPPT: 35/80 W
FPPT: 35/80 W

Base clock offset: 0/200 MHz
Memory clock offset: 0/300 MHz
Dynamic Boost: 5/25 W
Thermal target : 75/87C
GPU power saver: default/advanced/extreme

If you are familiar with Armory Crate I have one more question. Next to the Fan spead are 3 buttons marked 1-2-3 are those presets of fan speeds or are those 3 different fans?

Thank you
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Im simply looking for settings with zero overclock of GPU and CPU
Why not just undervolt your CPU/iGPU using ThrottleStop?

Curious, which one do you have from this drop down menu;
there are 3 SKU's shown.

Ive got ASUS TUF Gaming A17 FA707RR-HX005W Mecha Gray

And about ThrottleStop It looks a bit advanced to me. Im not a tech expert thats why Im asking here.
Im gonna check some youtube videos about it.
So what you saying is to run Performance mod with better fans and throttle down via ThrottleStop ?

The Silent mode is perfectly fine since I play GW2 so I dont need OC GPU or CPU for that.
Just I wish that the silent mode would have a little bit higher fan speeds so I can cool my machine down a little bit more.
I can create manul mode in Armory but as I mentioned in my question I have no idea what those setings do.