ATI HD 4850 problem


Nov 20, 2008
HI people, I have a question about overclocking my ATI HD 4850. When I used ATI overdrive, my card would work fine on 700/1183 with fan set to 100%, but sometimes games would respond and I get a message that ATI drivers stoped responding. Now I'm using rivatuner and games wont even start and I get a message that drivers stoped responding at any core clock higher than 700Mhz. And after that games don't even start at 700Mhz core clock. The temperature of my card is 45 C idle and 51 C loaded with fan speed set to 100%. I heard that some people get 750Mhz core clock without volt mod with no problems. My goal is to get 750Mhz too.
Mine can only go up to max 690-695Mhz(with temps around 70C, fan at 100%), let alone 700 or 750. Just because some will do 750 doesnt mean yours will, nothing is guaranteed with OC.