I wonder when if the 5670 will be a 800 shader 80watt, quietly cooled killer htpc card for under $100? currently my htpc has always received my main gaming computers old parts, currently my htpc has a 3870@830, with a 4400+ 939 x2 @2.38ghz,2mb cache, it gets a break cause its monitor is a massive 36"crt at 1024x768. when it dies it will take up a big section of landfill, so i will try and use it as long as i can. i got it free someone threw it out cause the sound is shot, it works fine with the stereo. the hd 3870 forces it to have a crystal clear picture at 1024x768, upconverts standard def 800x600 and 640x480 into 1024x768, hdtv at 1024x768, that old crt tv never looked so good. games like pro street, ut3 and fear 2 look awesome,
now they have 47" 1080p's on sale for $849, but i doubt a 320 shader card can push 1080p, my other computer that has a 4870 it's a hot running card the fan is too noisy for a htpc, and it seems to be perfect match with my 6000+@3.16, i had to bios mod the fan profile to run the fan target temp at 61c instead of baking at 81c, sometimes in ut3 it would lock up before, i noticed they have this new card the 5870 has a similar fan profile as the 4870, Why run it so hot?
in testing they said it had artifacts once, and throttled, sounds like the same trouble as the early 4870's had, why would ati make the same mistake twice?. bios modding is a risky thing to have to do to a card, i didnt want to but had no choice cause my card was broken and off warranty. you have to have a old pci card or onboard cause if your flash doesn't work you have to go back to the old one. don't do that unless you really have to its still risky.
I hope they put the fan target temp adjustment in the new catalyst.
sounds like a good card if they fix the fan temp target or let you adjust it down, the manual fan adjustment is not a good idea since you cant see the temps while playing a game if u have it set to a fixed 50% how hot does it get? what about later with a bit of dust? you need the auto temp control on the fan. If the 5670 comes out with 800 shaders and a 1000mhz clock it will be faster than the 4870, u cant complain about that, the budget cards that will follow will be awesome too. cant complain about a 40nm 400 shader 5550 either with something like a 800 clock, wonder when the onboard 300 shader one will be out too the 5200? this whole series sounds really good. I'm not sure I'm just assuming it will follow like the 4000,3000,2000,1000,800,9500-9800,92xx,8000 and even the 7000 series did. the same thing since the rage pro, the fast card comes out then lesser cards based on flawed silicon and laptop versions and a onboard chip. unless they suddenly break with tradition.
I wonder when the 40nm 800 shader laptop chips will be out? a 4850 in a laptop? that would be cool, or even a 300 shader 5200 in a laptop?
im sure nvidia will come out with a 360/380 soon, and maybe a 395. wonder if the new 360 will be a 432 shader card with a budget 300 shader one? just my guess...