Bad HD, not seen in Bios? OPTIONS???



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

I have a Maxtor HD under warranty but will lose the data. The best
price I got so far started at $400 for data recovery, YIKES!

Anyway, it won't power up, would use the maxtor diagnostics but as I
said since it doesn't power up it is NOT seen in the bios, so that
option is out.

Also if I place it as a slave, it blocks the MASTER drive from being
seen also. I have checked/swapped the power cable, IDE cable etc, and
still, it is not seen.

Anyone have a suggestion???

I'm thinking some tech guru here would know how to maybe swap out the
circuit board or something. Not sure what the problem is.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

"john522" <> wrote in message
> I have a Maxtor HD under warranty but will lose the data. The best
> price I got so far started at $400 for data recovery, YIKES!
> Anyway, it won't power up, would use the maxtor diagnostics but as I
> said since it doesn't power up it is NOT seen in the bios, so that
> option is out.
> Also if I place it as a slave, it blocks the MASTER drive from being
> seen also. I have checked/swapped the power cable, IDE cable etc, and
> still, it is not seen.
> Anyone have a suggestion???
> I'm thinking some tech guru here would know how to maybe swap out the
> circuit board or something. Not sure what the problem is.
> Thanks
I have in the past swapped the PCB between drives but it must be a very
similar/identical drive not tried it in a few years though most faults are
on the Pcb's