I don't understand why people are saying GTX570 SLI is a good option for 1080p and ultra settings with AA. I have that setup and run the game at 1920x1200 and video RAM limitations are very clear at these settings, and to mislead people into buying $700 of cards only to find that their gameplay experience is a stuttering one, despite good framerate in between, is bad advice to give. DICE said themselves, ULTRA quality with AA enabled is meant for cards with 1.5gigs of video ram or more, period. Otherwise, you can live with the texture swapping and resultant skipps, glitches and hitching.
I run the game with all setting maxed except textures, they are set to high and the game runs perfect all the time. Once I set textures to ULTRA, then ram limits become appearant as the skipping starts and the ram usage starts to peg the needls all the way.