[SOLVED] best cpu cooler of this list?

Dec 31, 2020
Hi, ¿what is the best in cooling performance?

Cooler Master: Master Air Ma620p / Ma610p/ Ma410p / 212 Black Edition / 212 RGB Black Edition /

Id-Cooling SE-224-XT BASIC
it is a i5 10400 but I plan to upgrade to an 11 gen i7
Any is fine for a 10400.
I can't really comment on a cpu that isn't available though.

you say that it will be very noisy?
My statement was taken out of context. I didn't say it will be very noisy. I said it was possibly - the 224 XT is an unknown - the loudest of the 6 you were considering if you ran your fans at 100%. There's a difference.
Tom's Hardware has reviews of 5 of the coolers.
Hyper 212 Black and the RGB version
I looked at those side by side, and got the following:
A)At 100% fan speed, they are all darn near the same - the 212 Black lags a little - with differences that are pretty much margin of error...
Hi, ¿what is the best in cooling performance?

Cooler Master: Master Air Ma620p / Ma610p/ Ma410p / 212 Black Edition / 212 RGB Black Edition /

Id-Cooling SE-224-XT BASIC
From those Cooler Master: Master Air Ma620p but depending on what you are cooling with it, it could be too much or to little. There are also things like fitting in the case and RAM clearance to be taken into account.
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They are all very similar if only looking at raw performance, but since users seldom run their fans at 100%, the lineup does shake up a little...
Hyper 212 Black, MA620P
Hyper 212 RGB, MA410P
SE-224-XT Basic [I'm actually not too sure about this one. I couldn't find reviews on acoustic performance that matched up with the other 5.]

MA410P is actually the best performer on that list
At 100%, sure, but it's also one of, if not the loudest of the 6 at that point, and most users don't run their fans at 100%.
A balance of both would be preferred, I'd think, and that's where the MA410P falls behind a little.
What is being cooled?
it is a i5 10400 but I plan to upgrade to an 11 gen i7

They are all very similar if only looking at raw performance, but since users seldom run their fans at 100%, the lineup does shake up a little...
Hyper 212 Black, MA620P
Hyper 212 RGB, MA410P
SE-224-XT Basic [I'm actually not too sure about this one. I couldn't find reviews on acoustic performance that matched up with the other 5.]

At 100%, sure, but it's also one of, if not the loudest of the 6 at that point, and most users don't run their fans at 100%.
A balance of both would be preferred, I'd think, and that's where the MA410P falls behind a little.

So far the one that convinced me the most was the ma410p, it is a little more expensive than the id cooling, but cheaper than the 212 and others, you say that it will be very noisy? I have the pc in the bedroom will be 1,5/2 meters from the bed, will the noise be very annoying? Or is it just going to be loud at high loads when playing games?
I run the TUF edition and find it pretty much silent. it has the HS of of the 212X which is a better design than either 212.
And reviews of the 620P when it came out showed the extra heatpipes and mass added nothing - in short usage I agree

At 100%, sure, but it's also one of, if not the loudest of the 6 at that point, and most users don't run their fans at 100%.
A balance of both would be preferred, I'd think, and that's where the MA410P falls behind a little.
it is a i5 10400 but I plan to upgrade to an 11 gen i7
Any is fine for a 10400.
I can't really comment on a cpu that isn't available though.

you say that it will be very noisy?
My statement was taken out of context. I didn't say it will be very noisy. I said it was possibly - the 224 XT is an unknown - the loudest of the 6 you were considering if you ran your fans at 100%. There's a difference.
Tom's Hardware has reviews of 5 of the coolers.
Hyper 212 Black and the RGB version
I looked at those side by side, and got the following:
A)At 100% fan speed, they are all darn near the same - the 212 Black lags a little - with differences that are pretty much margin of error.
Little to no difference there, and again, I don't expect too many people run 100% fans, so I move on.

B)At 50% fan speed - a setting you're more likely to run at, or close to - things actually shift a bit.
The MA410P is holding up the best, with the Hyper 212 Black faring the worse, and the others are more or less in the middle with no real differences between them.
So I see(from best to worst): MA410P > MA610P = MA620P = 212 Black RGB > 212 Black.
I know there's more to this than that, so I move on to noise levels.

C)They are all fairly inaudible at 50%, so it really doesn't matter too much here. I'd give it a tie.
If for some reason you do need to run them at 100% or anywhere over 50%(low to high): MA610P > MA620P = 212 Black RGB = 212 Black > MA410P

D)Then put it together: what has the best balance of performance to noise?

E)That's how I got to the conclusion of the MA610P being the best overall - of course, I left out pricing; none of these seem to cost what they did when they first released - that's where YOU come in.