Question Black screen new mobo, CPU and ram

Jan 13, 2021
Bought this new upgrade package
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x
Mobo: msi b550 gaming plus
Ram: hyperx fury ddr4 3200 mhz

I installed it all with my gtx 970 strix
I turned it on, it didn't boot from my windows harddisk so I did that manually from bios I went in open csgo to try out my new setup after 5 minutes my pc crashes and now when I turn it on everything starts fans leds and everything but my screen just stays black.

I've tried playing round with my ram sticks I've now but them back in slot 2 and 4 (A2 and B2) as they was first time I plugged em in.

I've tried taking out my GPU and put it back in

And if it helps when I turn on my pc CPU led goes on then dram and then VGA but then the CPU led turns off and dram and VGA stays on solid
So it let me come in throws me out and now I can't get in ? Haha anyways how will I check and how will u update it then?
Here's the thing.....that CPU just came out in Q4 of I think it's very possible your MB didn't have the newest BIOS.
If it doesn' either need a CPU that will run under the BIOS you have currently (to update it).....OR....if you MB has the BIOS flashback don't need a CPU to update it. I'm not sure if your MB has it or not.
Here's the thing.....that CPU just came out in Q4 of I think it's very possible your MB didn't have the newest BIOS.
If it doesn' either need a CPU that will run under the BIOS you have currently (to update it).....OR....if you MB has the BIOS flashback don't need a CPU to update it. I'm not sure if your MB has it or not.
Also they was bought together as a package from a legit site so would be weird for them to sell it If it wouldn't go together
Go to MSI's webpage and download all the latest drivers for that board. It probably booted up and then windows started downloading drivers for everything, when your screen went blank it was probably doing an update.

Using the older GPU that works download DDU and uninstall and video drivers that are on the computer, install the 970 and see if it will boot. If it does download the latest driver from Nvidia.
So basically i swapped out my gtx 970 with some trash i got laying and signal Came Up, did i kill my gtx 970 by turning my PC on and going into CSGO? your first post you mention the VGA light was on.
Perhaps there was something wrong with that time.
Yeah so what does that mean tried uninstallinf drivers and updating mobo none helped but i Paid attention when the other graphics card was in none of the lights were om not even VGA but now i put IT back in my 970 the VGA is lighting Up agsin so what does that mean
Go to MSI's webpage and download all the latest drivers for that board. It probably booted up and then windows started downloading drivers for everything, when your screen went blank it was probably doing an update.

Using the older GPU that works download DDU and uninstall and video drivers that are on the computer, install the 970 and see if it will boot. If it does download the latest driver from Nvidia.
Tried both non is working the led om the motherboard saying VGA is lighting Up when my 970 is in what does that mean?