[SOLVED] Can i plug one fan hub to another fan hub?


Jul 17, 2013

So, i bought 4 of these: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/33007236333.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2742b90aoIrQ28
I dont need 40 fans but i need 12 and they will be far away from each other, each hub will power 3 fans on a 360mm radiator.
I have a desk case pc, that is big and fan cables cant reach just one or 2 hubs, for example.
So i have one hub for each radiator, they are cheap anyway so its fine.
These hubs take power from a sata cable and only 2 pins go from the hub to the motherboard to read rpm and to control rpm.

MY QUESTION IS; Can i plug the rpm cable of one hub to a fan port of another hub?
I have 80cm 4pin fan extension cables and i can connect all 4 hubs, one to another and just take 1 fan header from motherboard?
Im not concerned about power, since it comes from sata cable, im just asking if the rpm control will work with the fan hubs being connected to another
