Question Can not install ryzen master utility


Aug 1, 2017

today I have installed a new cpu for my gaming rig Ryzen 7 3700x and I have problems with instalation of Ryzen master utility. !!!!!!!! Video documentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I already tried:
  1. Update bios
  2. Reinstall it
  3. .Restart PC
  4. Remove something in regedit (on other forums)
  5. Run as administrator
  6. Another version
  7. Chipset drivers do nothing (0% after 30 mins)
  8. AMD cleaning tool - Nothing
  9. Windows 10 instal/uninstall troubleshooter
  10. Windows 10 Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) - Disabled

- The problem which I got, Is on this video, I dont really know, whats wrong, for those, who want no to watch video.
- I run normal instalation of Ryzen master utility, select destination drive, click instalation, then it shows "Instalation completed", but on desktop is not icon or something, and in the destination folder is just the file wih .msi thing and when i click it, there is " Instalation was interrupted"

I was trying to install it today like 8 hours, do you know, how to fix it?

Thank you all!