Question Computer powers on, no display, no power to any ports

Jun 2, 2022
Hi there,

Currently just moved into a new house and had to move my desktop. Done the same way that I have each time with no previous issues by packing it into the original box the case came in with styrofoam and some padding with a plastic 3D printed support for the GPU, carried gently and transported in my car seat belted in with a blanket around it with no incidents (bumping things, being dropped, hitting a pothole etc lol). Plugged into a pretty expensive surge protector as well when set up at the new house and can’t get it to work properly.

There’s no power to any of the ports on my computer—all the ports on the IO shield (USBs, HDMI, DP, Mic In), the graphics card (HDMI, DP, I think there’s a VGA but haven’t tried that haha), or on the case itself.
When any peripherals are plugged in, there’s no power to them (mouse won’t light up, keyboard light won’t come on, headset receiver won’t light up etc). My monitor, when the computer turns on, displays the “splash top” for lack of a better term, then says there’s no signal and will turn off.

However, all of the components inside the PC turn on and light up. These include some RGB fans and LED strip lights(all Corsair), the pump, fans and lights for my AIO, the lights on the mother board, the RAM sticks as well as the lights and fans on my graphics card. Just can’t get it to power anything externally.

I should also note that the peripherals work when connected to my laptop. No issues with the keyboard, mouse or monitor so I don’t think it’s an issue with any of the cables.

What I’ve done so far after having removed GPU and dusted out the PC:
  • Reset CMOS by removal
  • Boot with one RAM stick, trying each different stick in each different slot
  • Unplugged all hard drives and attempted to boot again with the RAM method mentioned above
  • Reseated GPU, tried RAM method again (can’t place GPU in bottom PCIE slot, card is too big, or maybe I’ve been too clumsy in trying to put it in)

Kind of expanded my options for what I’m able to do at the moment. Will attempt to disconnect anything RGB to see if maybe some component is causing issues that I’m not aware of. A friend is bringing by a different PSU later today with hopes that perhaps it’s the PSU, but I’m not sure if this is a PSU problem since there IS power to the computer, but this is a little past my expertise.

Specs, for those who don’t wish to click outside links:
Kaby i7
Z270e ASUS STRIX mobo
4x8GB Trident Z RAM, I believe 3000MHz
ASUS STRIX 1080Ti OC Edition
Some NZXT AIO, I believe it’s the Kraken? From 2017/18, 240mm
EVGA 700W Bronze PSU
I also forgot to mention that the PC was built in August of 2017. Not sure if maybe the mobo is just at the end of its lifespan or not, or if age even really has anything to do with it.
Also meant to state that the PC was powered off and stored in normal room temp in the box for 11 days. Had no issues prior to moving, computer was functioning normally.