Question computer turn on , but no image or post .

Rui Neves

Sep 20, 2014
hi ,
I am helping a friend with their computer that sometimes it doesn´t Post, only the fan spins , and then stop spinning and then spins again , always like that . And this problem appears on him from time to time , the pc can not have the problem for months! Today I reassambly all the computer again, tested the 12v plug on motherboard and is working fine . tested the PSU and the voltages seems fine too .
Only have to test the RAM . and the cpu , the cpu I don´t know well how I can test it ... only buying a new cpu or test it on another computer right ? the computer turn on now but I don´t know yet if it was because I reassembly the pc again or not . because I only did that and the tests that I said before and also didi a reset on bios by unplugging the battery for some minutes .
If anyone have some troublshoots for this case say to me .
I am a little noob at this yet , but I am working to be better and have a job on this on the future . all the help will be good , thanks.

today the computer just have shutdown when reeinstalling windows 10 .... I tried to start up again and the computer or restarts with no post or don´t restart but no post and image on screen . tested gpu and the ipgu , no luck . tested with only the ram and cpu connected , no luck . I am sure that the ram´s and PSU are not the problem .... I aleady have tested the stability of system before this happen for 4 hours on AIDA 64 and no problem at all.... tested the RAM´s on memtest for all day , no error . tried cleaning the ram´s with no luck at all . only the cpu is not tested , and the components on the motherboard since I only tested the 12v connector on the motherboard as I am not very good on eletronics and don´t know how to test the rest of eletronics on the motherboard .

the motherboard doesn´t beep , only when I remove the RAM but that´s normal . with the ram no beeps at all.

PS: btw the specs are :

MSI msi h61m-p23
intel core i5 2400
Corsair vs550
Msi gtx 1060 ITX 3gb
cpu cooler CM hyper 212x
The ram I don´t know the model but are some kingston RAM´s , they are okay .
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Other thing that might be the prob is.1.Check if the RAM is compatible with the mobo.2.Reseat the fan connections.3.Set the fan contol from bios into "auto" (i dont know how your bios interface looks like so i cant help more on this).4.Remove any software that has to do with fan control.
Other thing that might be the prob is.1.Check if the RAM is compatible with the mobo.2.Reseat the fan connections.3.Set the fan contol from bios into "auto" (i dont know how your bios interface looks like so i cant help more on this).4.Remove any software that has to do with fan control.
The Ram's are compatible . The bios have the the fan settings on auto . All the components were reaseated including the fans to put the pc to work .None software controling the fans are installed .... This is a strange problem since tge computer worked for many months . Seems that the problem only happpens from time to time but I've already tested everything and everything works fine
Sounds like the fans are all set to work according to cpus temperature since you have such fast variations of speed...Also according to MSI site your mobo is not supported by Windows 10.